






NOT ALL TALK The AIRC report affects the solutions that it recommends. (Photo by Anna Nekrashevich, Pexels)

and each military department,” and figure out how to make those processes faster and more timely.

Te Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD A&S) is the party responsible, and the one that will establish the pilot project. William A. LaPlante, Ph.D., whose doctorate is in mechanical engineering, is the current USD A&S, and responsible for the AIRC report and its findings.

EXISTING VALIDATION MECHANISMS When programs go around JCIDS, there’s rarely if ever a failure of jointness. Tat’s because the services, in developing systems, understand the importance of systems being joint. Tey under- stand the user and by extension the dependencies that the system will have, Schlomer said.

But while the services are looking to middle-tier acquisition more, JCIDS doesn’t work well with it, and that’s a disincentive.

In its analysis of JCIDS, the AIRC team created a model using value-stream mapping to measure the speed of transit through JCIDS. Because documentation of important new capability

requirements is classified, the authors could not analyze that directly. Tey also used the model to look at process alternatives to analyze their speed by comparison to JCIDS.

Te report looks at two process alternatives to JCIDS. Both showed significant improvement in speed over JCIDS. Both align with the Adaptive Acquisition Framework’s pathways.

THE MIGHTY SORRD As it happens, SOCOM and Army Futures Command (AFC) both use simplified and expedited mechanisms that not only eliminate the necessity to use the JCIDS process but are also compliant with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and DOD guidance. Tese are just as legitimate for validating requirements as JCIDS.

It’s earth-shattering.” 11 “This is huge.

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