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One of the challenges in training image recognition models is that there can be infinite ways an object looks in the context of its environment. It might be seen from various angles, or partially hidden behind other objects. Anticipating all of these variations is impossible and finding representative images laborious. Gener- ative AI, however, allows us to expand on a smaller data set, introducing further variation to make the resulting model more robust—more accurate at identifying the target under varied circumstances—because it can better identify which features are significant in determining whether or not an object belongs in a particular class of objects. In other words, if we know what an anti-tank mine looks like partially buried, we (or our sensors) can identify them more accurately.

GENERATIVE DESIGN For more than a century, we’ve used a process called “design of experiments” or “experimental design” to determine the factors that contribute to performance of a process or design. Experi- mental design varies certain features in a design, the predictor variables, to gauge their impact on one or more response vari- ables—for example, how the length and width of a plane’s wings affect fuel usage. However, because there may be several predictor variables (length, width, etc.), and each of those may have many potential settings (12 meters, 13 meters, etc.), running a design of experiments can be complex and costly.

However, two factors have changed this paradigm in recent years. Te first is that advances in simulation allow digital engineer- ing models to be assessed without building physical components. Te second, more recent, factor is that computers can be used to rapidly generate and assess models, allowing a design of experi- ments to consider far more predictor variables and factors than previously possible. For the Army, we can apply this process to things like developing hardware chassis that optimize heat disper- sion, or a program that identifies command post configurations that reduce concentration of the radio frequency signature.


Generative design can be used for more than hardware—for example, course of action development, which Maj. Patrick Beaudry, a science and technology analyst for the Mission

30 Army AL&T Magazine Spring 2023

Generative pre-trained models are surprisingly accurate, but Army operations may need post-training of the models for more accurate responses. (Image generated by DALL-E 2)


Generative AI expands on smaller data sets, introducing further variation to make the resulting model more robust and accurate— such as different angles of a P1ZAM munition obscured by grass. (Image generated by DALL-E 2)

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