







An ammunition handler at Blue Grass Army Depot in Lexington, Kentucky, prepares a number of 155 mm projectile rounds to be repalletized in September 2022. The U.S. Army is updating its GOCO ammunition production facilities to keep pace with increased demand. (Photo by Dori Whipple, Joint Munitions Command)

capabilities, as well as armored infantry vehicles and more equipment that Ukraine is using effectively, like Javelin anti-tank missiles, conventional and long-range rockets for the U.S.-provided M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, 155 mm artillery ammunition and training.

Te PM TAS office carries out the execu- tive orders as stated in various presidential drawdowns for 105 mm and 155 mm towed artillery support of the M119 and M777 howitzers, respectively.

Te team has been responsible for provid- ing a full towed artillery capability to the Ukrainian armed forces, including specific

configuration technical manuals, train- ing, spares, engineering support and full maintenance support via 24-hour remote maintenance. “PM TAS has been critical to the strategic development and execution of activities that provide a superior level of support to the Ukrainian warfighter,” Ayoub said. “Our team supporting the remote maintenance meetings and chats have ingrained themselves with our Ukrai- nian partners by providing trusted subject matter expertise that can be replicated for U.S. forces.”

PM TAS is providing lessons learned from the various program milestones to allow the Project Manager Self-Propelled

Howitzer Systems team to seamlessly provide a full capability to the Ukrainian armed forces for immediate battlefield effects. Te PM TAS team is also provid- ing tactical guidance to various senior leaders who are developing the sustain- ment strategy for all weapon systems.

THE NEED FOR SPEED After Ukraine’s initial request for M777 howitzer components, the need for special- ized ammunition followed closely behind.

Tis time, PM CAS stepped up to the chal- lenge, providing 155 mm high-explosive artillery munitions like projectiles, propel- lant, fuzes and the Excalibur projectile—a 63

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