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Just like Nigerian scammers, those facing a large, complex problem can’t afford to focus their limited time and resources on noise or fruitless pursuits. Tey must learn how to carefully discriminate and sift through the mountains of potential data to find the information that matters most. So, before you hire that whiz kid with the machine-learning algorithms, get your information collection process straight.

KISS ALL YOU CAN Occam’s razor is a philosophical principle from the 14th century that is just as true today as ever. In short, it states that when there are two or more explanations with equal explan- atory power, the simpler one is preferred. Alternately, it can be expressed this way: Te more assumptions an explanation requires, the more likely it is to be false. It’s really just a sophis- ticated version of the popular idiom “keep it simple, stupid,” or KISS.

Tis is not to say everything is simple. Rather, just as it was seven centuries ago, the right amount of simplification is crit- ical to our ability to construct accurate models of reality and solve meaningful problems. Again, this is shown by Leinwe- ber’s eT line in Figure 1.

Tere are many examples of simple models outperforming complex ones in this digital age. Take two provided by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, who points out that predicting marriage stability does not require complicated measures of people’s psychology, finances, religion or myriad other considerations. Rather, a simple formula actually can work much better.

It turns out that if we simply sum the frequency of lovemak- ing and subtract the frequency of quarrels between a husband and wife, we have an excellent predictor of the long-term pros- pects of their relationship. If this number is positive, they are in good shape, while a negative number spells trouble. Kahn- eman also offers the example of a model for predicting the value of highly collectible, expensive Bordeaux wines. Here, a very simple model with just three variables (summer temper- ature, previous winter rainfall, and rainfall during harvest) predicts a wine’s value with 90 percent accuracy across a hori- zon of multiple decades.

Don’t be mistaken; simple models that work are not generally simple to develop. Tey require thorough understanding of the often complex phenomena being represented. In other words, someone has to do the hard work of figuring out what matters most among everything under consideration. Ten, they have to figure out how to measure correctly. Until these occur, no model, whether simple or complex, is likely to help. Here, every leader should take note. In most cases, being unable to assemble a straightforward model of your problem is a strong indicator that you don’t fully understand what exactly you are trying to solve.

CONCLUSION Remember, too much information is as bad as too little. Big data analytics can open the aperture so we see more than ever before. Tey can challenge our paradigms and reveal things previously hidden from us. But this depends on the accuracy and precision of the information we feed our algorithms. If done well, combining great computer power with vast data provides great opportunities. If done poorly, it can lead to enormous confusion and spectacular mistakes.

So, when the data miners come knocking, remember you need to already have intimate understanding of the problem you are trying to solve and you must have already recorded reli- able information. Only then should you release them to begin work. Also remember that the powers of technology are not magical solutions to solve every ill. Tey are just one of many tools available to address complex problems. So stay humble, stay in charge, and don’t be easily dazzled.

DANIEL E. STIMPSON, Ph.D., is an operations research systems analyst in the U.S. Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office and an associate professor of oper- ations research at George Mason University. He holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in operations research from the Naval Post- graduate School and George Mason University, respectively. Before joining the Army DACM office, he retired from the Marine Corps after 24 years of enlisted and officer service. He has also been an operations research systems analyst with the Center for Naval Analyses, George Mason University research faculty, the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization and Head- quarters Marine Corps.


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