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Using data from the architecture model, context- and decision- specific views, outside of the standard set of DOD Architecture Framework views, could be customized for specific discussions and decisions. Creating unique views from the same underly- ing data ensures consistency across the enterprise. Trough this data repository, enterprise knowledge can captured efficiently and made available for reuse. Reuse may include new collabora- tive communications between portfolios, or new and innovative analyses.

HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION STUDY As a recent example, the Army Futures Command implemented a horizontal integration “tiger team” to document first-order expected interdependencies—systems or functions that rely on other systems to work properly—between the cross-functional teams’ systems. Te team developed an architecture methodology to capture these interdependencies from both an operational and system perspective. Recognized interdependencies for this effort included communications; networking position, navigation and timing; synthetic training; power distribution and generation; sustainment; interoperability; autonomy; and commonality of sensors and subsystems.

Te team used the architecture methodology developed during the study to inform subsequent analyses, modeling and simu- lation, course-of-action development and near-term resourcing decisions for senior acquisition leaders. Tis architecture meth- odology was recognized by Army Futures Command leadership as valuable—so much so that it was approved for inclusion in their Future Force Modernization Enterprise requirements docu- mentation.

CONCLUSION In a January 2018 interview with Defense News, Army Secre- tary Dr. Mark T. Esper summed up the role of architecture by noting that “the key, or part of the key going forward, has to be to understand the architecture and to map it out so we have

the plan. … It’s like building a house—you have to have a blue- print. Having a blueprint doesn’t necessarily mean deciding who will supply the fixtures or materials or what will be used, but it defines what is needed.”

Architecture supports the identification and documentation of system interdependencies with technical rigor; frames and quantifies opportunities for resolution; and enables informed decision-making. As a living product, architecture supports timely requirements development and updates in the face of new systems and emerging threats. Architecture ensures the end- to-end traceability of requirements to solution as a system goes through concept, requirement generation and deployment. Te architecture confirms that a Soldier’s equipment aligns to an initial need for that equipment. Finally, architectures support comprehensive analyses to refine operational concepts and system solutions, and can serve as blueprints for force modernization.

For more information, contact Fred Buchanan in ASA(ALT)’s Office of the Chief Systems Engineer at

NICKEE ABBOTT is director of the Architecture and Analysis Directorate in the ASA(ALT) Office of the Chief Systems Engineer. She holds an M.S. in strategic planning from the U.S. Army War College, an M.S. in electrical engineering from the New Jersey Insti- tute of Technology and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Drexel University. Her organization focuses on modernizing Army materiel systems to deliver engineered, integrated and validated solutions for the Soldier at all echelons. She leads the organization in production of a synchronized ASA(ALT)-integrated master schedule, capability set architectures and Army network analyses that follow a disciplined system-of-systems engineering process. As a key figure in the coordi- nation and collaboration with stakeholders, she works to ensure that the Army’s modernization initiative is engineered and validated to meet the needs of the Soldier. She is Level III certified in program management and in engineering.

RICHARD HABERLIN, Ph.D., Cmdr., U.S. Navy (Ret.), is senior technical adviser in the Modeling, Simulation, Experimentation and Analysis Division at MITRE Corp. He leverages 20 years of Navy operational and staff experience to produce tailored, relevant and defensible analyses informing executive-level decisions across DOD and the broader government. He earned his doctorate in systems engineering and operations research at George Mason University, and holds an M.S. in operations research from the Naval Postgrad- uate School and a B.S. in ocean engineering from the United States Naval Academy. 133

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