







Don’t bury your head in the sand—try out your “modern eyes” to modernize the Army.

by Elizabeth Chirico F

our years ago, I sat at a large table playing cards with several close friends. It was springtime and the topic of filing taxes came up in conversation. Everyone dreaded the thought: confusing forms, the ongoing debate on whether it was better to receive a refund or to owe

more tax, ever-changing laws, regulations and policies, shifting income brack- ets, standard vs. itemized deductions, and eligibility for tax breaks.

Why did taxes have to be such a pain? As we commiserated, I made the comment that it was so much easier to do taxes through an automated software program like Turbo Tax, than to complete them manually by hand. Tere was a long silence in our usually vivacious group of friends as all eyes fixed on me.

“Wait. Liz, do you mean to say that you did your own taxes by hand before?” they collectively asked me.

“Yes…,” I said cautiously. “Didn’t everyone do their taxes by hand at some point?”

Everyone immediately burst out laughing and exclaimed almost in unison, “What?”

ADAPTABILITY Yes. It was true. I used an actual pencil with eraser, hard copy tax forms and massive 1090 federal and state newspaper-print tax booklets to complete my taxes and physically mailed them in to the IRS. Tere was only one reason I kept doing my taxes that way: because it was comfortable and familiar to me. Te process was time-consuming, arduous and frustrating, but I thought it was just a necessary part of life that everyone had to endure. As a creature of habit, comfortable with my established, though less-than-efficient way of doing things, I resisted the convenience of using an automated tax program for several years. 93

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