







Howitzers like this one can fire high-explosive precision-guided munitions that use M-code GPS signals that improve jamming resistance, ability to determine enemy spoofing of GPS signals and enhanced cryptography. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Desmond Cassell)

in mountainous terrain that masks a full view of the sky. Prior to the advent of a system-of-systems capability developed by JPEO A&A called Network-Assisted GPS, any weapon system seeing fewer than four GPS satellites would be deemed “not preci- sion-guided munition capable” since it would then not be able to hot start the precision-guided munition with sufficient GPS satellite information.

Network-assisted GPS solves this “not precision-guided munition capable” problem by using an innovative system- of-systems solution to “pull” the needed

GPS data for all the potential GPS satel- lites a weapon system should be seeing on that side of the Earth (i.e., as if its loca- tion were not terrain-masked and shooting from a “world is flat” position) and then hot-start the precision-guided munition with this same GPS information prior to launch. Once an artillery-based preci- sion-guided munition is fired, it rises and clears terrain-masking features (e.g., flies out of the valley and above the ridgeline) and sees more and more GPS satellites. Once at least four GPS satellites come into view, the precision-guided munition starts navigating and is now able to complete

its precision engagement on the target, even when the weapon position location couldn’t see this minimum number of GPS satellites in the sky.

Network-assisted GPS is a fielded system- of-systems capability today for P(Y)-code based precision-guided munitions.

EXPANDED GUIDANCE With the new enhanced M-code GPS signal being broadcast by the latest GPS satellites, the amount and specifics of hot start data is much different. A corre- sponding new updated capability called


Army AL&T Magazine

Summer 2022

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