







The first to complete her MSL degree in the pilot cohort of the DASA(P)-sponsored program at GW Law explains the program and why she wanted in.

by Corey L. Richards I

n June 2020, the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procure- ment (ODASA(P)) announced a new competitive pilot program whereby permanent Army Acquisition Workforce members could obtain a Master of Studies in Law (MSL) in government procurement law from Te George Washington University Law School. As a contracting adviser, I couldn’t wait to apply.

My job, supporting the Next-Generation Combat Vehicles Cross-Functional Team (NGCV CFT), is one in which knowledge of government procurement law is paramount to my orga- nization’s ability to modernize the Army faster than its adversaries. As such, I was interested in the program because I wanted to expand the breadth and depth of my awareness of govern- ment procurement rules and procedures so I could be a more valuable contracting adviser.

I saw this degree program as one that would give me the tools to think more critically about the acquisition process, advance my expertise and become a more persuasive influencer toward accepting some procurement risk in exchange for an even greater reward.

Te Army must better analyze its options and assess the risks if it aims to modernize how it contracts for supplies and services. Too often, the acquisition community recycles the procure- ment approaches they’ve “always used” out of ease and comfort, rather than taking the risk to try something different to reduce cost, improve schedule or increase performance capabil- ity. I was eager to connect with GW Law professors and students in various other acquisition roles to better navigate a path to changing the common risk-averse culture within the acqui- sition community.



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