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In addition, it is important to note that the error resulting from linear extrapolation is biased towards false failures. In other words, linear extrapolation will predict engine or transmission overheat on a vehi- cle that may have had no issue if actually tested at 120 degrees.

This is because linear extrapolation cannot account for control algorithms that might derate the engine power or increase powertrain cooling to lower key parameters such as engine oil temperature, engine coolant temperature and transmis- sion oil temperature. (See “What Is Engine Derate?” Page 78.)

SOLUTION FOR NONREPRESENTATIVE TEST CONDITIONS If you have ever attempted to adjust the thermostat in your home or workplace to your preferred setting, you have probably experienced the disruption in harmony with those individuals who are hypersen- sitive to changes in temperature. A battle over 70 degrees versus 72 degrees ensues. Electronically controlled powertrains know when the “thermostat” has been touched and they care. Linear extrapo- lation of key powertrain parameters such as engine oil temperature, engine coolant temperature and transmission oil temper- ature has too much error to be trusted during mobility-performance testing.

80 Army AL&T Magazine Fall 2022


Extrapolation error of engine oil temperature during mobility performance testing at desert conditions. (Graphic by Steven Zielinski, GVSC)


The Palletized Loading System (M1074A1) in PEVEL for mobility performance testing at 120 degrees. Using the “oven” for actual ambient temperatures produces much more accurate results. (Photo by Stephen Roberts, GVSC)

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