







How milSuite is helping shape the future of the Army and DOD.

by Dan Lawton

are being replaced. Tat shift often leads to unforeseen challenges and speed bumps that can have dramatic effects on network stability and functionality as new, untested technologies are adopted. In the defense environment especially, those challenges can be catastrophic—which is why the U.S. Army and DOD have repeatedly turned to milSuite, a continually evolving port- folio of information technology (IT) capabilities from military technical solutions (MilTech) that has provided responsive and innovative information-sharing capabilities across DOD for nearly 15 years.


THE MILSUITE DIFFERENCE First launched in 2009, milSuite has supported over 2.25 million registered users since its incep- tion and is one of the largest networks of personnel information-sharing across the joint domain. While most information systems within DOD are chain of command-centric—built from the top down with traditional organizational hierarchies in mind and limited in terms of who can access and acquire knowledge—milSuite offers a different solution. MilSuite was built for users. Tat means every individual who uses milSuite has a unique experience based on their distinct needs. Users can acquire information they may not have otherwise been able to with other systems and connect and collaborate with other members of the Army and DOD workforce.

“MilSuite provides the ability for users to discover information they never knew existed and connect with peers in their areas of interest,” said Tom Curran, milSuite product lead.

Tis information-sharing capability uniquely connects agencies in a way other chain of command- style systems do not. With information sharing comes knowledge, and with knowledge comes power—and for the U.S. military, that leads to better connectivity and readiness across DOD.

s the U.S. Army moves toward achieving a unified network—an integration and convergence of enterprise and tactical networks—milSuite’s steady presence has helped to bridge the gap. In an environment where innovative technologies constantly materialize, providing modern solutions to today’s problems, many legacy systems


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