






“MilSuite provides the ability for users to discover information they never knew existed and connect with peers in their areas of interest.”

integrate its milSuite offerings with Army 365 (A365), which leverages Microsoft 365 capabilities providing the Army with collaboration tools and resources across the force. Te first phase will involve incorporating integration points, like synchronizing authentication, then ensuring connectivity with A365 applica- tions so users can benefit from both platforms’ unique sets of enterprise capabilities.

“Users should be able to leverage the best capability for their mission regardless of the underlying platform,” Curran said. “Ideally a user taking a survey on milSurvey could take that survey directly in a [Microsoft] Teams channel, or conversely start a Teams chat with a fellow student taking a milUniver- sity course.”

Te second initiative is to ensure that milSuite’s knowledge and information is accessible to the enterprise network in support of the Army’s data plan and expand the use of machine learn- ing enhancements that began with the introduction of milSuite recommendations. MilSuite recommendations combines users’ organizational profiles with activities of similar users to provide daily recommendations of people, sites and content.

CONCLUSION As the Army continues to modernize and unify its tactical and enterprise networks, information sharing will continue to be critical across the service and the joint domain. Te digital transformation of the Army is happening across multiple fronts. Establishing the unified network means not only convergence of separate organizational networks to collapse stovepiped, vulner- able networks, but also the convergence of people, processes and capabilities across multidomain operations to gain operational advantages and fiscal efficiencies.

MilTech’s ability to quickly innovate and iteratively adapt to evolving needs of the user, combined with the proven success of 67

milSuite to connect people, processes and capabilities across the Army and DOD, make it an ideal integrator with A365 in estab- lishing the Army unified network. As the Army bolsters its use of Army 365 to improve its business and operational processes as part of the Army Modernization Strategy, milSuite continues to evolve to meet joint information-sharing needs and multido- main collaboration across the armed forces, as well as to deliver a unique set of capabilities that complement A365 to provide enterprise-wide continuity.

For more informat ion about mi lSui te, go to

DAN LAWTON provides strategic communication contract support to PEO EIS at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, as a writer and editor for Bixal. He holds a B.A. in communication from New England College.

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