






MILSUITE’S CAPABILITIES What began as a wiki and blog where Army personnel could share knowledge during DOD’s base realignment and closure has evolved into a DOD-wide platform that allows those personnel to create solutions to meet mission requirements.

“MilSuite played a critical role in helping us communicate with our more than 32,000 Army Acquisition Workforce profession- als last year as we streamlined 13 career fields into six functional areas,” said another milSuite user—Stefanie Pidgeon, chief of the Communications Branch at the Office of the Army Director of Acquisition Career Management. “Te Army Acquisition Work- force is geographically dispersed and, as every single workforce member was impacted by this transition, we needed a direct way to communicate important and timely information with them. MilSuite was the platform that helped us do that.”

Over the years, milSuite has grown into a suite of five programs used across DOD: milWiki, milBook, milSurvey, milTube and milUniversity. Each offers a unique set of information-sharing tools that are significant communication vehicles across the joint domain.

milWiki MilSuite’s initial product, milWiki, is a knowledge manage- ment system that is essentially Wikipedia for the military. Unlike Wikipedia, however, the information stored within it is secured behind a firewall and is not accessible by the public; only those with a DOD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate can access milSuite and contribute to milWiki articles. Subject matter experts are encouraged to share their knowledge about certain topics on an ongoing basis, and topics vary from leadership biographies to glossaries to organizational profiles. MilWiki is a powerful tool that provides organizations like the Army Corps of Engineers, Army Medical Command and the Enterprise Cloud Management Agency with the ability to create living collections of articles to help build readiness for organizations in one cohe- sive location.

milBook MilBook serves as a professional networking tool for military personnel. It is a place where military personnel can connect with like-minded people working in different fields. Te greatest benefit is how it connects individuals across DOD regardless of branch. Army users can communicate with U.S. Navy personnel and cross-functional teams to work in a common operating envi- ronment. Doing so not only strengthens the military community, but also opens lines of communication regarding the sharing of

64 Army AL&T Magazine Fall 2023

“Users should be able to leverage the best capability for their mission regardless of the underlying platform.”

relevant and mission-critical information. MilBook is also home to Army professional forums like Army S1Net, one of the largest Army online communities, where Soldiers and civilians converge to share and implement human resource (HR) processes, proce- dures, programs and knowledge, and best practices between the institutional and operational force. S1Net provides the infor- mation flow to over 100,000 Soldiers, leaders and Army HR professionals.

“Te use of the S1Net and milSuite has had a significant posi- tive impact on the HR community and the Army,” said Brig. Gen. Gregory S. Johnson, adjutant general of the U.S. Army at the Army Human Resources Command—a milSuite user. “Tis platform helps synchronize all of us while shaping the forces’ understanding of HR policies, changes to procedures and best practices. I rely on S1Net to help communicate what we need HR professionals to know and to understand in order to take care of Soldiers and drive readiness and talent management.”

milSurvey MilSurvey allows members of the milSuite community to create custom surveys for enterprise distribution with advanced survey statistics to capture, review and share. MilSurvey keeps sensi- tive information secure for major organizations like the Army Inspector General and Army Special Operations Command and allows for robust reporting on mission-critical informa- tion collections. MilSurvey is the only approved survey tool in

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