







Te articles that follow, from the Office of the U.S. Army Chief Information Officer, emphasize different aspects and successes of the Army’s ongoing efforts in digital transformation being under- taken by that office. Technology underpins all of these efforts, and each of these programs takes on heightened importance in the fielding of the Army of 2030.

Tese articles can be read as a package or individually, and provide more information and context on the concepts and programs mentioned in the preceding article, by Raj G. Iyer, Ph.D.

“Digital Overhaul” on refocusing the Army’s digital efforts.

“Optimizing Interoperability” on improving interoperability via data architecture and standards.

“Innovation in Cloud Acquisition” on new tools for Army enterprise cloud management.

“Te Army’s Data (Ad)vantage” on the successes and implica- tions of the Army Vantage program.

“Zero Trust” on upending assumptions on what’s safe behind the firewall.

DIGITAL OVERHAUL by Patrick Scott Seybold

T 16

he United States Army is navigating a period of tremendous external and internal change. After nearly 20 years of fighting the war on terrorism, the Army is reevaluating its role throughout the world

and its ability to influence national interests. In doing so, the Army of 2030 has become the focal point for modernization across the force.

Data and information are the new ammunition that will be used to dissuade, deter and fight future conflicts. To maximize the flow and use of information and data, the Army requires a robust, resilient, responsive and efficient network. It also needs the ability to collect, analyze, interpret, associate and store data and information to help support advanced capabilities, such as joint all-domain command and control, and communications in multidomain environments.

To set the conditions for the Army to create advanced capabili- ties, the Army is working to refocus digital efforts by conducting

Army AL&T Magazine Winter 2023

The Of fice of the U.S. Army Chief Information Of ficer is refocusing digital ef forts in the Army for a successful future.


Data and information feed the targeting systems, order the spare parts to maintain mobility and allow for the dissemination of commander’s orders to communicate and maneuver the force. (Photos courtesy of OCIO)

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