Army Seeks Nominations for Greatest Inventions Awards

By May 30, 2012September 25th, 2018General

Recognizing the need for new and innovative technologies to empower, unburden, and protect Soldiers around the world, the Army’s Greatest Inventions (AGI) program is now accepting nominations for this year’s awards.

The Soldier Wearable Integrated Power Equipment System, known as SWIPES, supplies a main battery from a central location to power all end-items. SWIPES was one of the top 10 U.S. Army Greatest Inventions in 2010. (U.S. Army Photo)
The Soldier Wearable Integrated Power Equipment System, known as SWIPES, supplies a main battery from a central location to power all end-items. SWIPES was one of the top 10 U.S. Army Greatest Inventions in 2010. (U.S. Army Photo)

Since 2003, the U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) has conducted the AGI program annually to encourage and reward those who are fighting the war from research laboratories throughout the Army by developing the best technological solutions for the Soldier.

Continuing a tradition established last year, AMC is also proud to support the Soldier Greatest Inventions Awards program, recognizing individual Soldiers for their efforts to enhance their fellow Soldiers’ equipment and/or performance.

Nominations are being accepted for inventions initiated both by U.S. Army Soldiers (SGI) and by the Army science and technology community (AGI).


Nomination Criteria

The nomination criteria are:

  • Nominated inventions must have been “first fielded” during calendar year 2011; the fielding window is from Jan. 1, 2011, to Dec. 31, 2011.
  • The SGI “fielding” definition can include traditional and other expedited fielding methods of putting a new mission-critical product, device, or process to use by Soldiers at any level. Technology nomination criteria for each award are available through the U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM), executing on behalf of AMC.

The nomination packages must be submitted by email to They must arrive no later than July 6, 2012.

The Ironman Pack Ammunition System is a former Soldier’s Greatest Invention award winner. (U.S. Army Photo)
The Ironman Pack Ammunition System is a former Soldier’s Greatest Invention award winner. (U.S. Army Photo)

Selection Process

Winning inventions will be selected by fellow Soldiers based upon their impact on Army capabilities (their breadth of use and magnitude of improvement over existing systems), inventiveness, and potential benefit outside the Army.

This program’s unique nomination and selection process reflect the Soldier’s voice and insight into the future of Army equipment. The awards are truly “Soldier Choice Awards.”

Previous AGI/SGI award winners include the Soldier Wearable Integrated Power Equipment System, the mCare Project, the Husky Mark III/2G 2-Seat Prototype, the Ironman Pack Ammunition System, and the RG-31 Robot Deployment System.

For more information, contact AMC POCs:

Thomas Haduch, 410-306-4826 /DSN 458-4826,

Jo Cozby, 410-306-4821/ DSN 458-4821,

—RDECOM Public Affairs