Army AL&T magazine wants five minutes of your time

By October 22, 2018Army ALT Magazine

That’s it—just five minutes. Click on over to and complete the Army AL&T magazine reader survey.

“Our reader survey is the ultimate quality check,” said Steve Stark, senior editor of Army AL&T, “because the response tells us how well we’re doing.” The magazine “is unique because nearly all of the articles are written not by writers but by readers who are expert in some acquisition field. But the audience is diverse—the acquisition workforce, but also Capitol Hill, industry and other stakeholders.”

“Surveys help us make sure that we’re covering what our audience needs,” he said. “We’re fortunate to have an amazing editorial staff that does its best to keep abreast of what’s going on in Army acquisition. But it’s a small staff with a small budget. That makes the insight we get from the survey, which we do every two years, so invaluable. We’ve got a smart audience and they respond with genuine insight.”

The survey runs until Nov. 2 and is completely anonymous. Results will be included in the January – March 2019 issue of the magazine and will be used to develop new features and themes for subsequent issues.

“There are roughly 40,000 members of the Army Acquisition Workforce—enough to fill Fenway Park,” said Stark. “So if we can harness that knowledge, we can continue to provide a publication with the information they need to help them do their jobs better.”

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