







AI may enable government PMs to get ahead of acquisition problems for the first time.

by Dr. Charles K. Pickar O

ur world creates, collects and is driven by data. Google, Facebook, your insurance company and even your local grocery store collect data and use it to better their chances for success. When done correctly, that advantage leads to increased profits. We need to do the same thing: create and collect our acquisition data and explore

how we can apply it through artificial intelligence (AI) for acquisition success.

Why artificial intelligence? Because we need help in the complex world of systems acquisition and because we lack the right tools to bring in developments on time and on budget. We are always behind. Te tools and processes developed in the 20th century analog world are just not effective in the digital world of the 21st century. We need a new tool to bring keep programs on time and on budget. Artificial intelligence, backed by big acquisition data, is that new tool. We must start thinking about how AI can help program managers (PMs) today. And that starts with the acqui- sition experts defining what we want AI to do.

A JOB DESCRIPTION FOR AI Today, weapon-systems development is a people-intensive, hands-on activity requiring paperwork, bureaucratic processes and communication. In this age of COVID-19, a work-quarantined PM friend recently told me that he is finally getting used to not having paper in his hands to read and make decisions. He quite proudly told me, “I am finally getting used to looking at the reports on a screen rather than having them put in my inbox every day.” While he is a bit of a dinosaur, the fact is many of us are not wholly on board with everything digital. We need to get that way.

Te second thing he said struck me as well. “I never realized the drudge work of project manage- ment.” He was used to moving around and traveling, and staying at home forced him to focus on the not-so-fun parts of his job. It’s too bad it took him this long, but most of us already know 143

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