









1: PERNA TO CO-LEAD COVID-19 VACCINE EFFORT Gen. Gustave F. Perna, commanding general of U.S. Army Mate- riel Command (AMC) since September 2016, has been named one of two leads for Operation Warp Speed, President Donald Trump’s effort to find a vaccine for the novel coronavirus by January 2021. On May 15 in the Rose Garden of the White House, Trump announced that he had selected Perna and Dr. Moncef Slaoui, a former chairman at Glaxo- SmithKline Vaccines, to head the ambitious operation. Perna will serve as chief operating officer and Slaoui as chief scientist.

The goal is to produce about 300 million vaccines by January, according to Jonathan Rath Hoffman, assistant to the secretary of defense for public affairs.

“When a vaccine is ready, the U.S. government will deploy every plane, truck, and Soldier required to help distribute it to the American people as quickly as possible,” Trump said. That’s where Perna comes in, as one of the top logisticians in the U.S. military. Before being named commander

of AMC, a preeminent logistics and supply-chain operation with 190,000 military, civilian and contractor employees and a presence in all 50 states and 152 countries, Perna served as the Army’s deputy chief of staff, G-4 (Logistics) and director, J-4, of United States Forces – Iraq during Opera- tions Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.

At the White House, Perna said, “I’m very excited about this team. … I also feel very confident that the team will be able to provide the re- sults as directed. It is going to be a Herculean task, but the combina- tion of the two main partners—between [the U.S. Department of] Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense—their combined strengths, partnered with the other teammates, will ensure our success.

“One of the great advantages that we have as a military is our ability to do logistical and sustainment operations afar. We’re just going to apply those capabilities to this mission. This mission is about defeating the enemy. We will defeat the enemy. Why? Because winning matters.”


Army AL&T Magazine

Summer 2020

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