






“Army Vantage is

the way ahead for the Army. It represents a significant step forward in the Army’s efforts to modernize the way we use ‘big data’ across multiple systems.

to expose the broader data integration needs of the Army, from warfighting to intelligence, to enterprise IT, to the busi- ness areas, it’s giving us new insights of the larger road ahead. It’s going to be a long and productive journey.”

Jette agrees, and he believes that the Vantage platform can be a large part of the solution over the course of that journey. “What makes me giddy is the potential for this higher-order thinking,” he said. “I would love to see the full potential of the modeling and predictive stuff. I worked in programming for a long time at the Pentagon, and every leader wants to know, ‘What if I took $100 million out of train- ing and gave it to equipping? What would that do? What if I took $500 million out of personnel and gave it to operations and maintenance? What would that do?’ And no one really knows. It’s mostly conventional wisdom and slideshow presentations. Tat level of data-driven insight is something this tool can enable.”


He envisions a massive budget model that could predict what happens to the Army’s projects and programs when funding is

According to those who have seen Army Vantage, the Army has hardly scratched the surface of what can be accomplished. Shown here, the program displays sample unit readiness data, which is based on a variety of factors. (Photo by the author)

reallocated, or when it operates under a continuing resolution. “Tose things are possible,” Jette continued, “but only if you have the data in your environment and you trust it.”

“What is really cool to me is the dimen- sion and reach that this platform has,” said Army Vantage product lead Miranda Coleman. “To not only be able to do those money drills at the headquarters level or the Pentagon level, but to go down to the lowest levels of the Army to give visibility into those exact same things. To be able to provide a tool that touches so many users at so many echelons, that’s exciting to me.”

It may feel, at times, that the Army’s busi- ness processes are driven almost entirely by ad hoc reports and slideshow presen- tations, but Coleman is optimistic about the future. “We are no longer being constrained by the old way of doing things through slideshows and feeding static data,” she said. “We’re leaning forward and finding new ways to solve problems by using authoritative data and analytics. We are working down in the corps and the divisions and the units, and with company commanders, and getting their feedback. We’re making sure that this solution and data analysis are beneficial to them and can make their time more efficient. We are


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