







The author, front right, stands with ASA(ALT) DASM Intelligence and Simulation Directorate, Department of the Army systems coordinators at the Pentagon, June 2023. Front row from left, Maj. Justin Bond, Abi Laxa and Fontaine. Back row from left, Edgar McAnderson, Linda Comfort, Steve Przybylowicz, Maj. Timothy Roberts and Sely Papal. (Photo courtesy of the author)

managers on how the Army runs in the current operating environment. HTAR teaches the roles, missions and functions of the seven interdependent and contin- uous processes within the Army Force Management Model—strategy, joint capabilities

integration and develop-

ment system, defense acquisition system, structure, authorizations, personnel and equipment—the nine force integration functional areas—structuring, manning, equipping, training, sustaining, funding, deploying, stationing and readiness—and the requirements and acquisition processes that work together to produce trained and ready forces for the combatant command- ers. HTAR provided focused training on

102 Army AL&T Magazine Winter 2024

the above Army functional areas that sharpened my understanding of Army processes and skills to navigate within those processes. HTAR training provided me with not only the knowledge gained but a connection to the subject matter experts in their field to call on for advice.

Te Synchronization Staff Officer (SSO) Training Course is primarily designed to provide director of material deputy chief of staff G-8 personnel with an in-depth understanding of SSO specific missions, responsibilities and organiza- tional relationships. Te course examines how an SSO coordinates the Joint Capa- bilities Integration and Development

Systems; the Defense Acquisition System; and the planning, programming, budget- ing and execution process in support of the research, development, acquisition, procurement delivery allocations and sustainment of required capabilities. Te SSO course is a deep dive in financial and acquisition planning, furthering my move- ment to domestic acquisition programs.

The FA51 Intermediate Qualification Course (IQC) is part of the FA51 Leader Development Plan taken by Army officers transitioning into acquisition. IQC trains military acquisition leaders and civilian LEAD program participants on inno- vative leadership and acquisition topics.

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