





LEADER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Make a difference by being the change you want to see!

Te Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP) harnesses self-awareness as the tool for enhancing leadership, innovation and diversity development by demonstrating how individual preferences and behaviors affect the ways we interact with co-workers and are viewed by others. Program offerings help participants understand how accepting individual differences can produce a stronger group and a leadership corps that’s capable, collaborative and creative. ALCP B is for beginners (GS-7 through GS-11), ALCP I is for GS-12/13, and ALCP II and ALCP III is for GS-14/15. Fore more information, visit career-development/programs/acquisition-leadership-challenge-program/.

Te Defense Civilian Emerging Leaders Program (DCELP) is a DOD program that offers a unique opportunity for participants to network with students from across DOD. DCELP focuses on developing emerging leaders in the acquisition, financial man- agement, and human resources communities. Open to permanent Army Acquisition civilians, GS-7 through GS-12, participants are immersed in a variety of activities that promote self-awareness, enhance oral and written communication skills, share proven team building strategies, and strengthen overall leadership capabilities. For more information, visit career-development/programs/dcelp/.

Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) is a leader development program for new and emerging Army Acquisition Workforce supervisors. Tree one-week sessions over a period of approximately five months. Applicants must be GS-12/13, or broadband equivalent and DAWIA certified in current position or within certification grace period. Completion of Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program – I (ALCP-I) is strongly recommended prior to attending IDEAL. For more information, visit acquisition-leaders-ideal/.

Leadership Excellence and Acquisition Development (LEAD), the re-designed competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship (CDG/AAF) program, is the premier 24 month leadership development program offering expanded training through a series of education, leader development and broadening assignments to build skills required for positions of greater responsibility. Te program focus is to develop high performing and high leadership potential personnel toward attaining a future acquisition position in Program Management. Participants are provided centrally funded leadership training and developmental assignments within the acquisition community. Applicants must be a GS-13, or high performing GS-12, or broadband equivalent. For more information, visit

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