






the future of work. Doing so can help attract and retain top talent, promote innovation and creativity, enhance deci- sion-making and problem-solving, boost trust and collaboration, and improve read- iness and mission effectiveness from any location. Te Army also needs to develop leaders who can adapt to any cultural context.

To achieve these goals, the Army should implement specific actions to support the well-being and flexibility of civilian employees.

• Encourage supervisors and managers to embrace and promote a wider range of access to flexi- ble work arrangements, such as telework, compressed work sched- ules or part-time options; provide training and mentoring programs to enhance the skills and career development of its employees; and create a supportive and inclusive work environment that values diversity and respects individual differences.

• Conduct regular and comprehen- sive assessments of the current and future skills and competencies needed for its civilian workforce and develop strategies to close any gaps.

• Monitor and evaluate the effec- tiveness of its initiatives and the impact of workplace flexibilities such as remote work, telework in combination with special hiring authorities to recruit, develop and retain talent, and report on its progress and challenges to Congress and other stakeholders.

• Strengthen leadership develop- ment and succession planning programs and ensure continu- ity and stability in key positions.



The federal workforce’s use of telework dropped drastically since its peak during the COVID pandemic in 2020, according to the 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). (Graphic by Mika Cross and USAASC)

This is also proof of why we must adapt to the changing nature of work and attract and retain talent for the future of the federal workforce.

Identify and address the root causes of leadership turnover and vacancies and establish clear roles and responsibilities for its senior leaders.

• Monitor and assess the culture and climate of the Army’s civil- ian work environment regularly, using various methods to collect feedback from employees at all levels and to monitor ongoing impacts on its organizational

health and performance as a read- iness indicator.

• Address the gaps and barriers identified by the assessments by developing and implementing action plans, such as improving hiring and promotion practices, providing mentoring and coach- ing programs, enhancing training and development opportunities and increasing recognition and rewards.

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