







The Soldier Center Stimulation and Training Technology Center places a high priority on addressing the dynamic occlusion challenge to provide a realistic and immersive virtual training experience. Precise alignment of virtual objects and the real scene is necessary to make the training experience feel natural. (Image by Samantha Dwyer, Soldier Center Simulation and Training Technology Center)

forces weapon systems within both live and synthetic training environments. Te technologies behind eBullet offer a variety of options for Soldiers. For exam- ple, an artillery round would not simply be a hit or miss. Soldiers would be able to determine how accurate the firepower was and if more strikes were needed. Plans include more advanced options with simu- lated electronic warfare, cyber, chemical and biological attacks.

SOLDIER TOUCH POINT AND TESTING Soldiers are key to providing meaning- ful input for many of our research efforts. We use feedback from the Army Expe- ditionary Warrior Experiment, which is an annual training event where Soldiers give feedback on technology; the feed- back is used to improve products to fit Soldiers’ needs.

We also have existing relationships with customers, such as the Joint Readiness Training Center, which uses our tech- nology during unit training rotations. Technology at the Joint Readiness Train- ing Center is used by thousands of Soldiers who provide direct and indirect feedback.

Te STE Cross-Functional Team conducts user and technical assessments that connect Soldiers with developers and engineers. Te Simulation and Train- ing Technology Center supports the STE Cross-Functional Team with these events, which will be scheduled each quarter until initial operating capability, planned for the fourth quarter of 2021. In addition to helping plan these events, our researchers work with vendors and Soldiers to observe how they interact with the systems, and facilitate technical discussions to help refine the direction of our science and technology efforts.

One of the challenges for vendors is the need to test their products on a military network. The Technology Integration Facility in Orlando enables vendors with promising technologies to conduct rigor- ous testing on a military test network. Te facility serves as a place for the cross-func- tional team to test the products, provide feedback to vendors, and quickly adopt and refine capabilities that meet STE requirements.

Te Team Orlando Integration Lab is co-located with the Technology Inte- gration Facility, offering the modeling and simulation community a place to collaborate on research to advance the development of training aids, devices, simulators and simulations.

TEAMING AROUND THE WORLD Our strong partnership with industry is threefold. Te first component includes


Army AL&T Magazine

Spring 2020

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