






FIGURE 1 One person DQAT

57,590 records; 7.5 years to complete, personnel cost of ~$1.06M in salary

and errors Fatigue

15 minutes to review 1 record Example: Aviation platform has

2 minutes, error-free, <$10 per record

Generates report Flags errors

Fully automated:


DQAT is one of three data-cleansing tools that ALC is using to ensure mission readiness for the Soldier. (Image by U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center)

move forward until those issues have been resolved,” Gonzalez-Perez said. Noncrit- ical flags indicate issues that slow the provisioning process—you can work on other things while waiting for a resolu- tion. Warnings indicate follow-on actions or reminders that don’t need immediate action, but will eventually need to be addressed to complete the provisioning process.

Gonzalez-Perez said it is imperative to have correct data first, before anything else can happen in the supply chain. “If we push wrong data into the enterprise resource planning system, which is LMP [Logistics Modernization Program] in this case,” he said, “that information supports supply chain, finance, Soldiers’ manu- als, and also the repair programs at the depots. So just because we just pushed one element, one component into the system

which was wrong … it could make the difference in providing the wrong part or component to the Soldiers in the field.”

DQAT is helping the provisioners drill down into the data and ensure that they “can’t do the wrong thing,” Pieper said. “Good management is making it hard to do the wrong thing and making it easy to do the right thing. And that’s really what this whole data cleansing is all about: Let’s go back and analyze all the ways we can make mistakes, and let’s engineer them out of the process so we can get the most accurate data that we can.”

Ultimately, DQAT provides cost savings for every piece of provisioning data it corrects, Gonzalez-Perez said. It also helps increase productivity, accelerat- ing correction timelines and freeing up manpower for other tasks. Arguably the

most important aspect is that correct and accurate provisioning data supports other business areas at AMCOM and helps Army leadership make data-driven decisions.

COMPATIBILITY AND THE FUTURE Between the aviation and missile systems, the center manages about 29,000 items— which can range in size from an aviation engine or a rotor blade to a circuit board. Keeping an accurate count of the differ- ent items in the supply chain is essential for Soldier readiness.

“Any hiccup in your supply chain has a bullwhip effect, and it is the end user that feels it more than anybody,” said Debbie Daniel, director of ALC’s Mate- riel Management Directorate. “It could be completing repairs at Corpus Christi 39

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