







The xTechSearch competition and the xTech Accelerator program enable the Army to access cut ting-edge technology and foster the success of innovative small businesses as it grows its industrial base.

by Kristin McNelis F

or small businesses, one of the biggest chal- lenges can be getting noticed. Tat’s doubly true if the small business with a military- applicable technology has never done business

with the government. Te Army is working to change that and increase its access to innovative technology while expanding its industrial base.

Te third cohort of the Army’s Expeditionary Technol- ogy Search (xTechSearch) went to Huntsville, Alabama, in March to the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Global Force Symposium and Exhibition, host of the Phase IV finals of the competition. Te 12 small companies (see sidebar on Page 53) were set to provide to Army experts proof-of-concept demonstrations and plans to transition their technologies to the Army.

For small, nontraditional companies looking to do busi- ness with the government, nothing could be so valuable as a successfully executed contract with the govern- ment. But getting there can be difficult. For that, the xTechSearch program launched the xTech Accelerator in October to provide an invaluable access to mentor- ing by Army and industry experts who can help make the transition from hopeful to successful.

According to the program’s website, “Te xTech Accel- erator program is designed to help xTechSearch winners be successful via education, mentoring, networking, and community building.”

A BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE FORCE Sponsored by the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology (ASA(ALT)), xTechSearch is a prize competition for small businesses, drawing in companies and technologies that the Army otherwise might not have access to. But it’s more than just that. (See related article, “More Tan a Competi- tion,” Army AL&T magazine, Winter 2020.)

In a sense, xTechSearch is a bridge between small businesses developing groundbreaking technologies and the Army. Te competition enables the Army to discover innovative technologies and, through modest prize money, help their development. Te program helps the companies shape their inventions not only to military needs, but also to potential civilian needs. XTechSearch stands out from other competitions by investing in these companies and working with them to make connections that will help transition novel tech- nologies to the warfighter. 49

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