







Agile hardware program managers consider specialized skills like welding, electrical, engine repair, material repair, tailoring, plumbing and other skill sets when addressing hardware prototypes in “sprint-like” events.

by reprioritizing or inserting desired features based on perfor- mance data or new insights. Design and development for riskier features can continue in an independent iteration while an oper- ationally viable iteration goes into a fielding phase. Additionally, iteration independence enables previous iterations to serve as a fallback plan should risky performance features fail to meet user needs. By using iteration independence, the program manager can deliver operationally relevant capabilities while developing riskier features or modules in future iterations.

termination. It is important to note that decision-makers could determine a “go” decision even if the prototype does not meet benchmarks. Te potential of the future iterations to meet risky, yet valuable, benchmarks will also impact the decision.

From the “go” decision, the program will address readiness for fielding as well as the desire for iterative development of another prototype. Production and fielding decisions will require analyses considering performance, production, sustainment and opera- tional risk. Te first system that enables the user to meet mission needs is the minimum viable capability (MVC); it is both an operational and learning tool as described in my 2022 presenta- tion. Te program office will assess the need to develop future prototypes or modular features against the remaining program budget and schedule.

Should the program office determine the need to develop another iteration, it will conduct a prototype design review. Te contrac- tor, program office and the user are the participants as well as other relevant stakeholders. Performance data, emerging require- ments, changes to tactics and the realization of other needs will scope the next prototype iteration. Te team will reevaluate and prioritize desirable features considering cost, schedule, perfor- mance and contracting requirements.

Tis cycle can repeat or end on a case-by-case basis depending on the performance, schedule and funding constraints of the acquisition.

ITERATION INDEPENDENCE Te independence of each prototype iteration reduces risk. Tis independence requires that each iteration undergoes its own independent baseline even if the design is similar to previous iterations. Each independent iteration is evaluated on its own merits. Te team can mitigate the impacts of requirements creep

CONCLUSION Tailoring the Software Acquisition Pathway for hardware capa- bilities is an effective way to get capabilities to the field fast. While the HMDS and the NPC programs demonstrated hard- ware development using minimum viable products for Urgent Capability Acquisitions, programs using Middle Tier of Acquisi- tion or Major Capability Acquisition pathways could also consider this approach. Agile hardware strategies enable program managers to make rapid decisions during design, development and test while addressing requirements creep in real time. Involving the end user throughout development for feedback will help clarify ambigu- ities in requirements definition and improve communications throughout system testing to reduce the impacts performance issues and schedule slips. MVP and agile strategies have the potential to enable hardware programs in any acquisition path- way under the Adaptive Acquisition Framework to develop high performing and worthwhile capabilities at astonishing speeds.

For more information, email the author at joseph.e.novick.civ@

JOSEPH NOVICK is the deputy director for the Advanced Development and Manufacturing Capabilities – Pharmaceutical Infrastructure (ADMC – PI) within the Joint Project Lead for Radiological and Nuclear Defense Enabling Technologies and the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense. He served as the program manager for the HMDS and the deputy program manager for the NPC. He holds an M.S. in systems engineering management from the Naval Postgraduate School, a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Virginia and a Certificate of Participation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a DAWIA Certified Practitioner in engineering and technical management and Advanced in program management.


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