






edge. As we approach our second year of support, we have learned important lessons in speed, flexibility, accessibility and simplicity.

Speed. Te speed of combat is quicker than ever before, and data analytics must be available for decision support at the speed of combat. Commanders do not have the luxury of waiting eight or more hours for a data-driven answer to a question. Tey need solutions as soon as possible.

For example, operations can shift quickly, and the forward line of troops can move 50 to 100 kilometers in hours. Commanders may require new forces that are integrated and deployed in a few weeks. Logistics and its supporting analytics must stay ahead of these rapid changes.

Flexibility. In addition to the high speed of combat, the nature of combat has changed. At any given time, the battle- field evolves, and so, too, do the problems commanders face. This is one of the many reasons why it is important to have analytics at the edge. Analysts and their solutions must be positioned to support commanders.

While in Europe, and within a period of three months, requirements for data and analytic operations shifted from

The reality is that logistics and sustainment operations are about warfighting.

104 Army AL&T Magazine Spring 2024

counteroffensive to force generation to offensive operations. Conditions changed over time, just as they do in large scale combat operations. Historical processes are not agile enough to allow for decision support at the speed of combat. Tools, platforms and supporting contract vehi- cles must be flexible to adapt and provide predictive and prescriptive capabilities. Tools must be distributed and federated to push analytic capability to the lowest levels.

Tools must also be flexible to allow multi- ple contractors to operate in within operational headquarters and enable hybrid contractor and organic support. For example, tasks supporting complex use cases were divided between Army civilians and contractors. It was, and continues to

be, critical that the two groups were able to work side by side.

Accessibility. Te U.S. Army does not fight alone. In operations, we can expect to work with partners in the joint force, as well as foreign military partners and allies.

Current operations include other services, traditional partners like NATO, and nontraditional partners and allies. Each of these need to be able to share data quickly, securely and reap the benefits of advanced analytic operations. Tis is one of the first times data from different nations is being pulled into a single platform for visualiza- tion and analysis to aid decision support.

For example, APAS began as a desktop application. As staff, and then leadership,


Logistics data ensures the Army delivers precisely what's needed to Soldiers when and where it is needed most. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Oscar Gollaz, 112th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)

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