







Zeghir and the JPO JLTV team receive the David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award in 2015. (Photo by U.S. Army)

challenges, as well. “In my career, I have always wanted to learn more and under- stand how multiple disciplines integrate or impact one another,” she said. “I was fortu- nate to work with leaders who supported career-broadening experiences, especially outside my career field.” And those two points—a focus on systems thinking and an emphasis on building strong relation- ships—form the basis of her advice to junior acquisition personnel today.

“Te advice I have given them is to take their time and learn how their current role impacts and supports mission, espe- cially how it impacts the Soldier,” she said. “Getting to know the individuals I work with, what motivates them and their aspirations, allowed me to network both internally and externally, and those relationships were instrumental in success- ful task completion, meeting goals and

ultimately getting the best possible prod- uct to the warfighter.” Cooperation and collaboration became even more impor- tant to Zeghir in 2016, when grappling with the care of her mother’s serious illness. Because she had built strong rela- tionships with team members and stakeholders alike, she had the confidence to step away from work, knowing her team would continue the mission until she returned. “Tat meant so much to me— to allow me to focus on my mother and my family during that time, was invalu- able,” she said. Her experience reinforced for her the importance of building rela- tionships and also served as a reminder that she’s committed to serving the Army in any capacity she can.

So, what comes next for Zeghir? Time will tell, but she’s setting her sights on the possibilities. “Currently, I am completing 159

my Level III program management certi- fication,” she said. “It has given me the ability to integrate and solidify what I have learned on the job over the past 15 years in disciplines outside my career field, such as engineering and logistics.” She said she is becoming more adept at strategic plan- ning and forward thinking. “We never stop learning,” she said. “No matter the career field, we all have one ultimate goal as Army civilians: support the Soldier.” She’s pursuing her goals and fulfilling her parents’ wishes. “My greatest satisfaction in my career is the ability to give back,” she said. “It’s a small token of my appre- ciation for all the opportunities made available to me.”


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