







ateriel and installation readiness are the reasons U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) exists. When the COVID-19 pandemic threatened our Soldiers, civilians and families, AMC leveraged

the full force of the materiel enterprise in this fight. Our mission was clear—to protect our workforce and our families; combat and prevent the spread of the coronavirus; and accomplish our world- wide mission. AMC synchronizes, integrates and operationalizes the capabilities of our major subordinate commands, providing installation and materiel readiness to meet current, future and contingency requirements.

As our focus shifted to support the fight against COVID-19, AMC and its 10 major subordinate commands provided support to civil authorities through the Army and DOD’s whole-of- government response to the virus.

AMC is doing its part to support the country’s shared vision and fight against the spread of COVID-19 and has implemented several measures throughout its offices, garrisons, depots, ammu- nition plants and arsenals to protect our workforce while meeting mission requirements for the Army and the nation. Tese efforts can be summarized in three different categories: producing mate- riel, moving supplies and taking care of our people.

PRODUCING MATERIEL Several of our organic industrial base facilities are producing, repairing and repurposing equipment, from sewing machines to manufacturing equipment, to augment the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other potentially life-saving medical equipment. One example of this is the work being done by artisans at Joint Munitions Command, who have produced more than 70,000 cloth face coverings and 2,300 gallons of hand sanitizer, which are vital for Army personnel to continue their mission-essential work. Our workforce responded to the new demands while supporting Army top priorities.

While AMC is using existing organic industrial base facilities and equipment, AMC is also using additive manufacturing processes to design and 3D print essential parts and equipment.

AMC ASSETS • Army Contracting Command (ACC)

• U.S. Army Financial Management Command (USAFMCOM)

• U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC)

• Army Sustainment Command (ASC) • Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) • Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) • Installation Management Command (IMCOM) • Joint Munitions Command (JMC)

• Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)

• Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM)

Te Rock Island Arsenal – Joint Manufacturing and Technol- ogy Center’s Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence will produce more than 1 million testing swabs on two printers by the end of the year for use by DOD personnel, thus reducing the demand for commercially available swabs that can be used for the general public.

Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) has provided communications and electronics expertise to many emergency COVID-19 requests from different Army organiza- tions. Trough CECOM’s subordinate Army Medical Logistics Command (AMLC), it has distributed PPE and essential medical supplies, including surgical masks, N95 respirator masks, gloves, surgical gowns, hand sanitizer, touchless infrared thermometers and specimen collection kits, to troops overseas in some of the hardest hit regions. Also, Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylva- nia collaborated with AMLC medical maintenance technicians to establish the design requirements for producing the initial

Despite the pandemic, we are taking steps to make sure housing is clean, safe and ready for Soldiers and families.

62 Army AL&T Magazine Winter 2021

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