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Te intentionally scalable architecture, remote collaboration technology and partnership with Microsoft have supported the sustained testing through the pandemic. While the IVAS team’s partnership with Microsoft looks different during the pandemic, as both organizations prioritize the safety of their equipment and personnel, they continue to work together to deliver for the warfighter.

“Microsoft brings cutting-edge, industry-leading techniques that have enabled us to create, test and implement equipment to increase the lethality and mobility of the Soldier and Marine on the battlefield. We continue to value our partnership and take advantage of our remote collaboration solutions that allow us to push forward on planning, verifying and validating toward our end solution, even with COVID restrictions,” said Krugh.

SOLDIER-CENTERED DESIGN Te continued testing and iterative improvement of specific IVAS capabilities throughout the pandemic has been enabled largely by the Soldier feedback collected at every stage of the project’s development.

“Soldier-centered design was developed in IVAS as a combination of Microsoft’s human-centered design philosophy and tailored Army acquisition best practices,” said Walega. “It focuses on current Soldier and Marine input throughout the entire devel- opment process to prevent engineers and developers from building a product that does not meet the priorities of our warfighters.”

To ensure that IVAS will truly maximize Soldier lethality, the intentional collection of Soldier feedback at every design and deci- sion point has been a program priority.

IVAS has hosted three Soldier touch-point events, in March 2019, November 2019 and completed the third and largest during Octo- ber 2020. Te IVAS team plans to host one final test event in the third quarter of the 2021 fiscal year. Tese events put the most up-to-date hardware and software capability sets in the hands of Soldiers to test performance in relevant tactical environments at each decision point.

BRING DATA “By the end of this [third Soldier touch-point] event, ‘Team IVAS,’ which includes the CFT [cross-functional team], PEO


IVAS Supply Chain dashboard “local” view that is geographically set at latitude, longitude and zip code. Red bubbles represent COVID-19 data. The blue and green points are color-coded based on IVAS component type. The report may be scaled for greater precision of the information conveyed, such as detailed vendor data. (Image courtesy of PEO Soldier)


IVAS Supply Chain dashboard scaled for country and state view. Vendor supply chain information was overlaid with health data on COVID-19 hot spots to form a dashboard heat map so that leaders could make critical decisions with the most up-to-date data. (Image courtesy of PEO Soldier)

As the IVAS team continues to overcome the obstacles posed by COVID-19, leadership is unwavering in its dedication to the safety of Soldiers and the team. 91

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