





From the Editor-in-Chief

still affecting our day-to-day lives. Everything, as a matter of fact, including the defense of our great country. As I write this column in early December, there is unrest in Belarus and Hong Kong; U.S troop drawdowns in Afghan- istan and Somalia; North Korea will probably test a missile soon and the South China Sea remains a contested area. You see, even though we are living through a pandemic and you still can’t go around without a mask on, that doesn’t mean the world suddenly became peaceful. Far from it.


Just as the world isn’t standing still, neither are our Soldiers. Tey are still deploying, conducting exercises and fighting around the world. Tey still need state-of-the-art equip- ment to do their jobs, which means our Army Acquisition Workforce members can’t take time off from the pandemic, either. Tis issue focuses on the numerous ways in which the various program executive offices, U.S. Army Futures Command and the Army Acquisition Workforce members running them are helping to thwart the pandemic by continuing to develop, acquire, field and sustain the world's best equipment and service to our troops.

It’s hard enough to produce what our Army needs during normal times. Now, mix in the pandemic, teleworking, observing strict social distancing, mask wearing, and you have gone from difficult to darn near impossible … but we’re doing it. Take, for example, the Joint Program Exec- utive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND). Its whole mission is to prepare for the unimaginable. Now add to that— pandemic! Read how, as part of a DOD collaboration, it partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to support vaccine development, thwart biological threats and navigate regulations. Agile acquisition meets agile execution at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM). Learn how Maj. Gen. John George pivoted his mission and put his team of 10,000 scientists and engineers to the task of keeping our

elcome to 2021! With multiple vaccines on the way and other therapeutics emerging, it has got to be better than 2020. But unfortunately COVID-19 is

Soldiers safe from COVID- 19 by training virus-sniffing dogs, producing face cover- ings, researching antibodies and even sending their own personal protection equip- ment downrange—all in an effort to protect our great- est asset, our Soldier. Finally, join the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) on the COVID-19 front lines and fight alongside the team at the forefront of the distribution of remdesivir— a broad-spectrum antiviral treatment developed by corporate partner Gilead Sciences Inc. With USAMRDC’s help, there is hope that DOD soon may be able to provide a tool to curb coronavirus infection for good.

Email Nelson McCouch III @

Finally, I want to say thank you to the many Army AL&T magazine readers and subscribers, who are also our contrib- utors. Tis is my 10th year as the editor-in-chief. Te magazine has changed dramatically since I began, both in format and content. While online articles and social media have greatly expanded our audience, in the end, it’s the content that counts. Without you and the amazing content you provide, there would not be a magazine. Trough the years, my team of expert writers, graphic artists and editors have worked with literally thousands of experts and other contributors across the Army to provide superior articles and graphics. Because of your involvement, we have been able to highlight the great work taking place throughout Army acquisition, while keeping everyone apprised of lead- ership priorities.

Here’s to another 10 years of great stories, and of serving you. As always, if you have comments, story ideas or a story you would like to submit, please contact us at ArmyALT@ We look forward to hearing from you.

Nelson McCouch III Editor-in-Chief 3

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