Thomas C. Dooley, Jr

By September 20, 2014March 2nd, 202325-for-25
Thomas Dooley

UNIT: Power and Environmental Division Product Realization Engineering & Quality Directorate, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
POSITION: General Engineer
AWARDS: Civilian Achievement Medal
EDUCATION: M.S. engineering, Catholic University; M.S. engineering management, Catholic University; B.S. mechanical engineering, West Virginia University; Registered Professional Engineer


What do you do and why is it important to the warfighter?
As a DOD Project Manager – Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems (PM E2S2) Standard Mobile Power Sources acquisition efforts, I oversee and participate in all elements of the acquisition process—requirements analysis, development documents, prototype testing, production qualification, and so forth. I conduct technical engineering evaluations, prepare all necessary documentation in the acquisition process, and actively and effectively communicate with all stakeholders. In addition, I am the final technical authority on all engineering change proposals.

The materiel that I develop and the technical support that I provide enable the warfighter to produce and use electricity on the battlefield anywhere in the world. Electricity is a critical requirement necessary for the operation of weapons systems and the various support-sustainment systems for the warfighter. A quote from PS Magazine says it all: “Without electricity, the Warfighter becomes a Napoleonic soldier fighting a 21st century War”

What are some of the milestones you’ve achieved?
I developed the second generation of DOD Standard Family of Medium Mobile Electric Power Sources. I ensured that the 5-60 kW Tactical Quiet Generator (TQG) family of generators was type classification standard at an equivalent Milestone C (MS-C) decision point, materiel-released and have provided life-cycle management of family since. I also developed the operational and design parameters along with the quality assurance provisions and testing for the third generation of DOD Standard Family of Mobile Electric Power Sources. As a result, the 5-60 kW Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS) achieved MS-C and materiel release; 100-200 kW Large Advanced Mobile Power Sources (LAMPS) achieved MS-B and entered EMD Phase. The 2-3 kW Small Tactical Electric Power (STEP) sources MS-B is expected in the spring of 2015. AMMPS, LAMPS and STEP are the modernized replacement programs for the TQG. I performed work in almost every aspect of the acquisition life cycle for generator sets.

I was instrumental in the type classification standard and materiel release of the 27 configurations of the 5-60 kW TQG program. I wrote and coordinated the test and evaluation master plan (TEMP) for the program along with other essential program documents. I worked with Aberdeen Test Center to review, evaluate and provide recommendations to PM-MEP on all test incident reports during the first article testing (FAT), and evaluated solutions presented by the contractor for the design and performance issues discovered during FAT. I successfully obtained a type classification standard decision and follow-on full materiel release for the TQG program, which allowed for the procurement and fielding of more 80,000 generator sets throughout the DOD.

I oversaw the development of the technical data packages (TDPs) used to reprocure the TQG sets and spare parts throughout their life cycle and converted the performance specifications used for the initial procurement into military specifications (MIL-G-53133/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10), which were approved and used on more than four reprocurements. As the configuration coordinator, I ensured that all required design changes were documented, reviewed, approved and incorporated into the TDPs.

I integrated acquisition reform into the TDPs to reduce the use of military specifications and standards when procuring materiel, and the effort reduced the total number of military specifications and standards from approximately 191 to 34 essential specifications and standards.

During Operation Iraqi Freedom, the master switches on the generator sets began to fail, and I developed a set of instructions on how to “hot wire” the set using other switches on the set and emailed it out as an immediate solution, as well as determined the root cause and found a solution by simulating the failure, applying various fixes and testing their performance.

TQGs are the primary source of power for systems such as PATRIOT and Hawk Missile systems, refrigerated containers, forward repair systems, and Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM), and I provided technical expertise to ensure their systems would interface and operate correctly with TQG sets. For Hawk, I incorporated their power distribution module in the 60 kW TQG set.

I developed a test kit to resolve the generator-shutdown failure issue on the PATRIOT 15 kW TQG missile launcher system and provided training for the operation of the TQGs when mounted on the C-RAM and made recommendations for location and interface.

I introduced digital controls into the military generator sets, developing the performance requirements and guidelines describing operation of the digital control system. In addition to meeting the performance characteristics, I recognized a standardization opportunity by requiring all four of the configurations affected to use the same control system, thus reducing the logistics burden. I also recognized the opportunity to incorporate various diagnostics principles and incorporated them into the design. The final design, which was type-classified standard and materiel-released, incorporated plug-and-play line replaceable units, display warnings for protective devices and diagnostic LEDs to reduce maintenance and logistics costs. This reduced of control box components by half.

I was the lead AMC engineer for AMMPS program as a replacement for TQGs, and led the development and co-wrote the purchase description used to procure the AMMPS generator sets, including the requirement that all configurations had to use the same control system to reduce logistics support.

I am currently providing the technical support for the LAMPS and STEP programs that are in development.

What is your greatest satisfaction in being part of the Army Acquisition Corps?

My greatest satisfaction in being part of the AAC is the ability to develop, field and provide engineering support for Army materiel, and in my case DOD materiel, to fill a capability gap with respect to power generation and distribution on the battlefield. As the lead project engineer for the 5-60 kW TQG program since 1992, I have seen my work go from a piece of paper to fielded hardware that has provided the electricity needed on the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq and future battlefields. As an Army Acquisition Corps member, I find satisfaction knowing that I am able to provide the warfighter with the necessary materiel to win wars.

In celebration of the silver anniversary of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC), Access is publishing “25 for 25” — twenty-five profiles of members of the AAC across the Army Acquisition Workforce. These profiles provide unique insight into the variety and importance of the work done by the AAC every day.