What is a Key Leadership Position (KLP)?

Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) are a subset of CAPs and have more stringent experience requirements upon entry into the position. They include positions that warrant special Under Secrterary of the Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S) and Army Acquisition Excutive (AAE) attention with regard to KLP qualifications, accountability, and tenure. In general , KLP incumbents have direct responsibility for, direct influence on, and are key to the success of an acquisition program. The AAE has designated that all positions listed below as mandatory KLPs for active Acquisition Category (ACAT) and Business System Category (BCAT) I and II programs, and be in the Functional Area associated with that lead function:

a) Program Executive Officer (PEO) and Deputy PEO.
b) Senior Contracting Official (SCO)
c) Project Manager, ACAT/BCAT I and II
d) Deputy Project Manager, ACAT/BCAT I and II
e) Chief Engineer / Lead Systems Engineer
f) Product Support Manager (PSM) or Program Lead Logistician
g) Chief Developmental Tester
h) Program Lead, Business Financial Manager