Where can I find the current listing of acquisition certification standards?

The defense acquisition certification standards are posted and maintained on the DAU interactive catalog at https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/CareerLvl.aspx. Each of the Functional Areas (FAs) has a unique combination of education, training and experience standards which must be met to achieve Foundational/Professional, Practioner, and Advanced acquisition certification in the respective specific AFA. These standards are reviewed by the functional communities, DAU and the service Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) offices throughout the year. Changes to the standards are generally inserted at the beginning of the new fiscal year, although there are exceptions to this schedule.  DAU course descriptions, course prerequisites, and other pertinent information such as equivalent courses, predecessor courses, and Functional Area descriptions are also found in the interactive DAU Catalog at https://www.dau.edu/