How do I cancel an application for a DAU Resident (Classroom) course?

Students unable to attend a DAU class for which they have a reservation, must initiate the cancellation request through ATRRS AITAS at least 30 calendar days prior to the start date or reservation cut-off date, whichever is earlier. A cancellation submitted less than 30 calendar days without GO/SESs approval and the proper comments, will be denied. The student is expected to attend the course if the cancellation request is denied. If the student does not attend the course, the student will be recorded as a “no-show.”

To submit a cancellation, follow the steps following:

  1. At the AITAS main menu at, select “Cancel Reservation/Wait”.
  2. Log in to the system
  3. Locate the application you wish to cancel.  All applications eligible for cancellation will be marked with a red “C” in the left hand column.
  4. Click the red “C” next to the application you wish to cancel; a notification will be displayed asking you to confirm that you wish to cancel this application.  Click “OK” to continue.
  5. If your application has not been approved as a reservation or a wait, your application will be cancelled immediately.  If your application has been approved as a reservation or wait, you will be prompted to enter a reason for wanting your class to be cancelled.  After entering your reasons, click the button to continue.
  6. Your supervisor concurrence is not required.
  7. Once USAASC receives notification of your cancellation request, they will review your request and either approve or disapprove your cancellation.  You and your supervisor will be informed of their decision by email notification.