I just hired an employee into an acquisition position. Since he was hired partway into the current continuous learning cycle, is he still required to complete the entire 80 CLPs?

Army policy requires that all Continuous Learning (CL) cycle dates will reflect one standard CL cycle regardless of when the individual entered the AT&L workforce. However, as his supervisor, you can pro-rate his Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) based on the date he entered the acquisition position. Since employees are required to complete 40 hours in 12 months, this is equivalent to 3 CLPs/month. Therefore you can prorate from the beginning of the current continuous learning cycle thru the date he started (using the scale of the 3 CLPs month). Do this by logging into CAPPMIS at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp, IDP tab, then the Supervisor Module. Click the “View Items” link next to the employee’s name under the “Completed Items” column. Prorate the CLPs by inputting a number between 1 and 80 in the text field under the “Prorate CLP” column and click on “Save Prorated CLPs”. The new prorated points will add to the “Total CLPs” column.