What is the Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL) process?

The MAPL is a statutory requirement supported by a process that validates, prioritizes, and then documents military acquisition positions in the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP) and the Intergrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A). The MAPL process requires all PEOs, major Army commands and Joint/Defense organizations with active duty, Army National Guard (AGR) and Army Reserve (AGR) military acquisition officer authorizations (Functional Area 51) on their respective Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) or Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) to review all valid MAPL positions annually, at a minimum, IAW DACM business rules and priorities.

The MAPL Review, which is held annually for all commands with FA51 authorizations, culminates with resourcing decisions made by the Principal Military Deputy (PMILDEP) to the Army Acquisition Executive (AAE). The Deputy Director, U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center serves as the President for the Review Board. Representatives from PEOs and Army Commands (ACOM) also serve on the board on a rotational basis.

The MAPL review process begins with the Command POC’s input of changes to existing MAPL, New Start requests, and requests for disestablishment into the MAPL system. Next, The Army Acquisition Workforce Proponency and Analysis (AAW P&A) Division analysts review the command’s entries and provide the MAPL Review Board their recommendation. The MAPL Board then reviews all changes, New Starts, and disestablishments before sending their consolidated recommendation forward to the PMILDEP. The PMILDEP is the final decision authority on all MAPL positions. Once the MAPL is approved by the PMILDEP, the AAW P&A Division finalizes the results in the MAPL System which generates a Flash Report which is sent to all MAPL System users by email showing approved MAPL. The final step in the process is the creation of an Acquisition Structure Message (ACQSTRUC) documenting the Board’s decisions and guidance. As soon as the ACSTRUC is signed, it is published within the “Info” section of the MAPL system. The MAPL Review results are used by affected commands to update their TDA/MTOEs.