Army acquisition officers: Get your advanced degree!

By September 17, 2014September 10th, 2018Career Development
Acquisition Training and Education Manager

Marti Giella,
Acquisition Training and Education Manager

Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS) provides opportunities for officers to pursue advanced degree programs at civilian universities on a full-time, fully funded basis.

The purpose of this program is to help our Acquisition Corps officers receive the best and most appropriate graduate degrees available in a timely and cost-effective manner. Whether you wish to attend Naval Postgraduate School, Penn State or even Yale, the Acquisition Management Branch (AMB) of the Army Human Resources Command will take your education preferences into consideration and work with you in getting a quality education.

Are you technically inclined? We encourage Acquisition Corps officers to pursue an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Or if your background is more geared towards program management or contracting, we can help you get an advanced degree associated with these career fields too.

Selection boards are conducted semi-annually, usually in June and November. Individuals apply and are selected for ACS approximately 6-12 months prior to their proposed start date. The application packet process is time-intensive, so it is critical to start early.

Key dates for the FY15-02 Movement Cycle are as follows:

Application deadline: Nov. 3
Selection board convening date: Nov. 4-6
Program start date: May 1–Sept. 30, 2015

Officers wishing to apply for ACS must ensure that a completed packet is provided to Ms. Michelle Houston no later than Nov. 3. She can be contacted via email at or by phone at (502) 613-6198 / DSN 983-6198.

Instructions for preparing packets and applying for ACS are listed on the AMB website.

Interested in other acquisition, education and training opportunities? Visit our ‘DACM Hot Topics’ for current offerings, timelines and updates.

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