Deisy R. D’Ambrosio

By September 22, 2014March 2nd, 202325-for-25
Deisy DAmbrosio

UNIT: Army Contracting Command
POSITION: Director, Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft/Foreign Military Sales Directorate
AWARDS: Women of Achievement Award, New Brunswick Business and Professional Women
EDUCATION: M.A. in procurement and contract management, Florida Institute of Technology; B.A. in English education, University of Puerto Rico – Cayey University College


What do you do and why is it important to the warfighter?
I support the Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Project Office on all contractual actions, including the Mi17 Program and most importantly the Contract Logistic Support (CLS), which is in direct support of President Obama’s exit strategy from Afghanistan in a wartime environment.

What are some of the milestones you’ve achieved?
Some of the milestones include procuring 30 Mi17 aircraft for Afghanistan along with the extension of CLS support, procuring critical spare parts for theater and simplifying a process to expedite parts procurement.

What is your greatest satisfaction in being part of the Army Acquisition Corps?
I’m proud to be part of an extraordinary team that is able to influence the outcome of the warfighter’s mission and to be part of President Obama’s exit strategy in returning our troops home.

Deisy D’Ambrosio, director of the Non Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft/Foreign Military Sales Directorate, has notched nearly 30 years of Army service.

Deisy D’Ambrosio, director of the Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft/Foreign Military Sales Directorate, has notched nearly 30 years of Army service.

In celebration of the silver anniversary of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC), Access is publishing “25 for 25” — twenty-five profiles of members of the AAC across the Army Acquisition Workforce. These profiles provide unique insight into the variety and importance of the work done by the AAC every day.