Patricia Davis

By September 21, 2014March 2nd, 202325-for-25

UNIT: Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Belvoir Division
TITLE: Supervisor and Contracting Officer, Branch Chief
AWARDS: David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award, Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (2), Special Act or Service Award (12), Army Superior Unit Award, Team C4ISR Employee of the 3rd Quarter, Performance Award (13)
EDUCATION: B.S. in mathematics, Towson State University


What do you do and why is it important to the warfighter?
I have worked in Army contracting for nearly 30 years, starting my career as an Army Materiel Command (ACC) intern and progressing to a branch chief at ACC-APG. Throughout my career, I have supported various program managers and program executive offices and played an integral role in developing and fielding critical countermine, counter-improvised explosive device (IED), and forward-looking infrared systems that save Soldiers’ lives. Seeing firsthand the direct benefit to the warfighter of my efforts has always made me willing to go the extra mile.

What are some of the milestones you’ve achieved?
From the numerous opportunities presented during my 30-year career, one of my most fulfilling achievements is receiving the 2001 David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award for negotiation and award of the DOD enterprise software agreements, which were credited with saving DOD more than $700 million in commercial software costs. Additionally, during Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, I was the contracting officer responsible for the expedited award of numerous systems that were fielded to both Afghanistan and Iraq, which were used to detect and defeat IEDs and save Soldiers’ lives. Finally, I am proud of having awarded the first contract to a South African company after the fall of apartheid. This award was deemed so significant that President Clinton made the official award notification during his state visit to South Africa.

What is your greatest satisfaction in being part of the Army Acquisition Corps?
The two things that I find most satisfying about being part of the Army Acquisition Corps is serving the warfighter and training the future workforce. It is extremely gratifying to know that I played a part in fielding systems that have improved Soldiers’ operational capabilities and survivability. I am also satisfied every day when I work with the young specialists and contracting officers, sharing my knowledge and experience. I am committed to “building the bench” so that when I retire there is a strong capable workforce left behind to both meet the mission and train the next team.

Patricia Davis

Patricia Davis works at “building the bench”—or working with and mentoring young specialists—in her job as supervisor, contracting officer, and branch chief.

In celebration of the silver anniversary of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC), Access is publishing “25 for 25” — twenty-five profiles of members of the AAC across the Army Acquisition Workforce. These profiles provide unique insight into the variety and importance of the work done by the AAC every day.