Army’s GTACS contract supports network modernization efforts

By April 13, 2015September 4th, 2018Acquisition

Army’s GTACS contract supports network modernization efforts

By Amy Walker, PEO C3T staff writer

The Army of the future will need to deploy units and teams to austere environments at a moment’s notice, with the ability to connect and access information at the point of need.

To support these requirements, the Army and DOD are leveraging the Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems (GTACS) contract to deliver technologies that enable Soldiers to connect anytime, anywhere.

“The wide variety of GTACS awards to date highlights the versatility of the technologies that we can deliver to the force using this contract vehicle,” said Lt. Col. Leonard Newman, product manager (PdM) for Satellite Communications (SATCOM), which manages the GTACS contract. “The contract’s broad range, flexibility and consolidation capabilities also provide a venue for us to quickly and cost effectively meet evolving mission requirements around the world.”

As the Army continues to modernize its tactical communications network, GTACS provides a competitive contracting mechanism to facilitate the acquisition of new technology and service solutions to support those efforts. From Troposcatter communications systems that bounce microwaves off the atmosphere to upgrades for Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) satellite terminals, it provides one-stop-shopping for a wide range of hardware, software, data and services, enabling the Army and DOD to efficiently provide advanced capability improvements to joint forces worldwide.

“The Army is using this contract to provide continuous improvement and robustness for its agile communications networks,” said Jim Sawall, GTACS lead for PdM SATCOM, which is assigned to PM WIN-T. “It provides the Army with the ability to better adapt its networks to different missions, regions and partners.”

With a $10 billion ceiling, the broad scope of the GTACS contract supports the mission of the Army’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T). Although the GTACS contract is managed by PEO C3T, it has the ability to be utilized by other DOD organizations and non-DOD agencies with requirements for C3T systems. During the period of performance of the contract, it is expected that the PEO C3T organizational needs will continue to evolve and reorganize in response to the changing operational requirements and anticipated threats.

“GTACS provides that needed flexibility and responsiveness to support current and future contingencies as they evolve,” Sawall said.

GTACS covers three functional areas—research and development, production and deployment, and sustainment and logistics. This means that no matter where a capability is in the acquisition lifecycle, its program office can use this contract to support its requirements.

“The contract enables the customer to develop a capability, then produce, test, field and sustain that capability with one contract,” Sawall said. “It simplifies and consolidates the entire process.”

GTACS TIP mission

The Army’s Global Broadcast System team utilized the Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems (GTACS) contract in early fiscal year 2015 for services related to the restoration and upgrade of the program’s Phoenix terminals, which support its Theater Injection Point (TIP) mission. TIPs combine a Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager with a Phoenix terminal, right, and can be deployed worldwide to generate theater-specific broadcasts. (U.S. Army photo)

As the Army and DOD continue to modernize the tactical communications network amid a tight fiscal environment, they are leveraging the GTACS contract to efficiently and rapidly compete requirements for increased savings. The five-year multiple award indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) GTACS contract enables customers to meet hardware and associated support services requirements quickly and cost effectively. This type of large multiple-award IDIQ contract allows for participation among both small and large contractors, reduces administrative redundancy and provides cost savings as a result of increased competition.

“Using this contract vehicle we can compete emerging technologies for further development and we can also leverage commercial, off-the-shelf technologies to meet current program requirements,” Newman said.

The GTACS contract was initially awarded in October 2012. The source selection process resulted in an award to 20 prime contractors that are granted the opportunity to compete for the broad spectrum of work under the contract in order to provide the optimum resolution of requirements and best value for the Army and DOD. The contract also allows for shortened timelines for awarding delivery and task orders, which in turn saves the government money and provides critical equipment and services to the Soldier in a timely manner.

Additionally, with GTACS the government can compete a wide range of solutions utilizing a variety of contract types, from cost-plus-fixed-fee to firm-fixed-price. GTACS provides that needed flexibility for the government in acquiring a broad range of C3T solutions in the tactical environment, said John Favara, contracting officer for GTACS.

“A competitive environment gives a variety of vendors the opportunity to participate in building the tactical network, drives down procurement costs and gives the DOD the flexibility to choose from multiple technologies rather than focusing on a single solution,” Favara said.


The scope of the Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems (GTACS) contract enables acquisition of hardware, software, services and data in support of PEO C3T and other military agencies. Recent awards support sustainment and modernization efforts of the warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) Satellite Transportable Terminals. (U.S. Army photo by Amy Walker, PEO C3T)

For more information:
GTACS Global Email:
GTACS website:

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