Moving the logistics “tail” to the front

By January 25, 2016February 1st, 2016General, Science and Technology

By Beth Reece, Defense Logistics Agency Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – When DOD has to respond quickly to a disaster or global emergency, it normally takes some time for the supply chain that supports those forces to gear up to go. But a new group of rapid deployers from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) are now trained and equipped to be some of the first boots on the ground when the call comes.

The new capability, called the Rapid Deployment Initiative (RDI) program, consists of two 13-member teams that are mission-tailored to augment logistics capabilities of geographic combatant commands and the U.S. Transportation Command’s Joint Task Force Port Opening. The task force is a joint expeditionary organization that can rapidly establish and operate a port of debarkation, as well as conduct cargo-handling and movement operations.

RDI team members are volunteers from DLA headquarters and field activities, representing each of DLA’s supply chains, distribution, disposition, information technology, expeditionary contracting and legal services. The teams became available for short notice deployment on Jan. 1, and will alternate ‘on alert’ status every 60 days, according to Jeff Crosson, a logistics operations specialist for DLA Logistics Operations.

“These teams give DLA the flexibility to react quickly and avoid going through a request for forces process, which can be very time-consuming,” Crosson said. “We went through a thorough qualification and screening process to make sure we had people with the right grades and skill sets.”

DLA liaisons to U.S. Northern Command and the Federal Emergency Management Agency gave informational briefings during last month’s training. Other topics included current operations, operational contract support and the capabilities of DLA Distribution’s expeditionary team.

The group also received body armor and other personal protective equipment, and were familiarized with the DLA Mobile Command Vehicle, a central communications hub where deployers can relay information to DLA headquarters via voice, video or data. The 30-foot trailer encompasses five complete workstations, a storage area and a conference room.

As a DOD combat support agency, DLA provides the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, other federal agencies and joint and allied forces with logistics, acquisition and technical services. The agency sources and provides nearly 100 percent of the consumable items America’s military forces need to operate, from food, fuel and energy, to uniforms, medical supplies and construction and barrier equipment. DLA also supplies nearly 90 percent of the military’s spare parts.

Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, DLA has about 26,000 employees worldwide and supports more than 2,430 weapon systems. For more information about DLA, go to, or


The DLA Mobile Command Vehicle is a central communications hub where deployers can relay information to DLA Headquarters via voice, video or data. (Photo by Beth Reece)