Are you ready? New issue of Army AL&T magazine focuses on readiness

By October 2, 2017March 11th, 2019Army ALT Magazine

Are you ready? New issue of Army AL&T magazine focuses on readiness

By Michael Bold

FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Oct. 2, 2017)—Readiness, says Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, is the U.S. Army’s No. 1 priority. It’s also the theme of the October – December issue of Army AL&T magazine. Readiness means having the troops, training and equipment that can deter conflict or prosecute war at a moment’s notice, anywhere in the world. From developing and adapting cutting-edge technology to battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)to producing new ammunition, discover how the Army Acquisition Workforce spares no effort to make certain that the U.S. Soldier gets the very best.

Read about:

Readiness means a lot of different things to different people. For the Army’s acquisition community, many agree that supporting readiness calls for a cradle-to-grave understanding of the systems being acquired, not just their procurement. Learn what that means in “READINESS: MORE THAN A CONCEPT.”

For Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins, commanding general of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, readiness is a moving target. The necessity for readiness today is a given, but he also has to be ready for tomorrow and the host of tomorrows to come. Find out how he does it in “CHAMPION FOR TECHNOLOGY.

When an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus spun out of control in West Africa in 2014, the World Health Organization turned to Dr. Bruce Aylward. Read his thoughts on marshaling forces including the U.S. military to stop the Ebola outbreak; the similarities between fighting viruses and wars; and how planning for the unexpected isn’t as impossible as it sounds, in “IDENTIFY. QUANTIFY. ELIMINATE.

What if multiple brigades of deploying Soldiers suddenly needed combat uniforms? Meeting such challenges, strategically and creatively, before a conflict arises is the true test of readiness for Army acquisition. See “THINK READY, BE READY.

Instead of KISS (keeping it super simple), requirement writers for ACAT III programs often go to absurd lengths to document what a product should do—even when the product is already sitting on a shelf. Here’s how to write a requirement—and a better way based on the author’s doctoral dissertation, in “URGENT NEED: SENSIBLE REQUIREMENTS.

PTSD has been called one of the “signature wounds” of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command has been at the forefront of documenting the prevalence and impact of PTSD on Soldiers and the joint warfighter, and developing interventions to prevent or address it. Find out how in “ON THE FRONT LINES AGAINST PTSD.

Does your organization have an industrial property management specialist? Neither do most others. But it’s a vitally important position to fill. It’s all explained in “THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING TRACK.

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