OTs giving you a headache? DAU has a cure

By December 26, 2018Acquisition

by Army AL&T News Staff

Confused about when other transactions (OTs) can be used? Defense Acquisition University has some answers.

OTs are legal acquisition instruments other than contracts, grants or cooperative agreements that offer a streamlined method for carrying out prototype projects and transitioning successes into follow-on production.

Hon. Ellen Lord, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, rolled out updated guidance to help the DOD acquisition workforce better understand and make the most of existing acquisition authorities.

“As acquisition professionals, we need to make sure we use the best available acquisition and contracting strategies to satisfy operational objectives,” Lord said. OTs can be used for prototyping, approval thresholds and actions to facilitate the transition from prototype to production.

In addition to updated guidance, Lord’s office also released a new version of the Other Transactions Guide, which provides a foundational overview of the concept in addition to real-world examples. Of special note are the other transaction myth-busters that debunk some of the most common misconceptions about OTs.

To view the Other Transactions Guide, go to https://aaf.dau.mil/ot-guide/ (HTML) or https://www.dau.mil/tools/t/Other-Transactions-(OT)-Guide (downloadable, eReader friendly).

For more information about other transactions, go to the DAU website at https://www.dau.mil/acquipedia/pages/articledetails.aspx#!573 or contact communications@dau.mil.


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