On October 13, 1989, Gen. Carl Vuono approved the creation of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) and described his vision for the organization: “The Army Acquisition Corps will enhance and sustain the acquisition skills of a select group of officers with a solid foundation of operational experience and civilian specialists with proven technical experience.” “The Secretary of the Army reported to the Secretary of Defense on 16 October 1989 that the Army would intensively manage these acquisition specialists to create a dedicated corps of both military and civilian acquisition leaders.” In September 1990, General Vuono signed General Order 14, formally establishing the program that would come to be the AAC. Twenty-five years later, after the longest war in our nation’s history, the more than 12,000 men and women in the Army Acquisition Corps serve as an example of the professionalism and excellence of those who dedicate themselves to protect and support Soldiers across the globe.

pdf Message from the President of the United States (Oct. 01, 2014)

pdf Message from the Secretary of the Army (Oct. 10, 2014)

pdf Message from Gen. (Ret.) Vuono (Sept. 9, 2014)

pdf AAC Implementation Guidance (Dec. 22, 1989)

pdf AAC Establishment Letter (Jan. 11, 1990)

Presidential Message


From advanced medical research to rocket science to small arms to contracting and logistics, Army acquisition professionals research, design, develop and deliver the capabilities that Soldiers need to dominate the battlefield today and tomorrow.

  • PROFESSIONAL TO THE CORPS: The Army Acquisition Corps is a specially trained, dedicated group of military and civilian acquisition leaders within the more than 38,000-strong Army Acquisition Workforce who develop, field and sustain the critical systems and services that enable our Soldiers to fight and win our nation’s wars and support missions around the world.
  • WORLDWIDE: More than 12,000 men and women in the Army Acquisition Corps serve as an example of the professionalism and excellence of those who dedicate themselves to protect and support Soldiers across the globe.
  • AN ELITE GROUP: The Army Acquisition Corps provides Army officers and civilian specialists with the right skills and capabilities now and into the future by integrating a rigorous system of education, training, assignments and promotions that has no industry parallel. The result is an elite corps of highly skilled, technically proficient professionals delivering world-class products to our Soldiers.
  • THE RIGHT SKILLS: The Army is committed to equipping the Army Acquisition Corps with the right skills and capabilities to handle our acquisition mission, providing the necessary training and career development programs to continually improve our Army’s combat capability.

Highlights from the past 25 years


Criteria for AAC membership includes:

  • Must occupy a designated DA AL&T position as a Major (O4) or GS-13 grade level or above (or comparable pay band)
  • Noncommissioned officers must be an E8/Master Sergeant and Level II certified in contracting
  • Must have at least four years of experience
  • Must be Level II certified in any Acquisition Career Field
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college and one of the following:
    – 24 semester credit hours in a business-related discipline
    – 24 semester credit hours in current Acquisition Career Field and 12 semester credit hours in a business-related discipline

AAC membership is mandatory for all workforce members who occupy Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs) or Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) Army Acquisition Corps members benefit from a top-notch professional network, deep institutional knowledge, and unparalleled education and professional development opportunities. AAC membership can give you the skills to make the difference for Soldiers—every day. To apply for Army Acquisition Corps membership, please submit electronically through the CAMP website at Once logged in, click on CAPPMIS and then select AAC MS (Army Acquisition Corps Management System). If needed, please see the AAC MS documents housed within this portal for submission instructions.

Questions? Our FAQ page has more information on how to become an AAC member.

25 for 25 – Professional to the Corps

In recognition of 25 years of Army acquisition excellence, meet 25 members of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC). These 25 professionals are a small sample of the more than 12,000-strong AAC highlighting the talent, experience and professionalism that exists across the corps. From advanced medical research to rocket science to small arms to contracting and logistics, Army acquisition professionals research, design, develop and deliver the capabilities that Soldiers need to dominate. The AAC is a specially trained, dedicated cadre of nearly 8 percent military and 92 percent civilian acquisition leaders averaging 18 years of acquisition experience. AAC members have earned more than 7,000 advanced degrees and nearly 400 doctoral degrees. On top of all that, all members are required to meet annual certification requirements.