[raw][image align=”right” caption=”” linkto=”https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DAU-SSCF.jpg” linktype=”image”]”https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DAU-SSCF.jpg” height=”386″ width=”300″[/image][/raw]
Defense Acquisition University – Senior Service College Fellowship (DAU-SSCF)
Congratulations to DAU, as well as the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) staff, for recently having our fellowship awarded Senior Service College equivalency by the Army G-3. Our fellowship is the first civilian fellowship to be granted equivalency. DAU-SSCF is now an official Military Education Level 1 (MEL-1) training program. Our goal for the past three years while working toward this was to be able to have DAU-SSCF recognized on the same level as the U.S. Army War College and the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (formally ICAF).
School of Choice
We will not be offering the School of Choice program this year due to funding constraints. Please look for this program to be offered in FY14 again depending on the fiscal environment.
Naval Post Graduate School – Masters of Science in Program Management (NPS-MSPM)
The announcement will be open through May 13, 2013 to all eligible personnel in GS-11 through GS-15 or broadband/pay band equivalent positions who have met their current position certification requirement. While it is not in Monterey, Calif., this distance learning program will provide required DAU training in program management (as well as other career field courses) to graduate with a master’s. For more information, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/naval-postgraduate-school-master-of-science-in-systems-and-program-management/.
Excellence in Government Fellowship (EIGF)
The announcement will be open from June 13 – July 15, 2013 to all eligible personnel in GS-13 – GS-15 or broadband/pay band equivalent positions who have met their current position certification requirement. EIGF offers our senior acquisition workforce members the opportunity to network and team with fellow senior leaders from across the government. This program focuses on benchmarking best practices and then returning to your organization to implement. For more information, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/excellence-in-government-fellows-program/.
Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Training
FY14 DAU SCHEDULE: On Thursday, May 16, 2013, the FY14 schedule will be available for students to apply for classes. If students are unable to attend an FY13 course, they will need to review and complete the required course prerequisite(s) now for a course they intend to take in the future. Students should continue to apply for FY13 courses available on the schedule. Planning and applying early will afford students better opportunity in obtaining a class in the timeframe requested. Encourage your supervisor to approve your training request as soon as you apply. Students should view the DAU I-catalog at http://icatalog.dau.mil to ensure they meet the prerequisite(s), prior to applying to a DAU course. A weekly low-fill listing posted weekly at http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/tabnav.aspx to provide students the opportunity to attend classes coming up in the next 60 days. Low-fill classes within 60 days from the start date of the class are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
TENTATIVE DAU FURLOUGH PLANNING: DAU plans to support the teaching schedule under furlough conditions. For updated information from DAU on furlough impacts, go to http://www.dau.mil/news/studentfurloughinfo.aspx. Students attending a DAU course will assume the furlough schedule of DAU and not their home organization for the duration of their DAU training. The tentative plan is as follows:
- 1 week courses, Friday will be the furlough day.
- 2 week courses, Monday of the first week and Friday of the second week will be the furlough days.
- 4 week courses that start at the beginning of the pay period, Monday of the first week, Friday of the second week, and Thursday and Friday of the 4th week will be the furlough days.
- 4 week courses that start the second week of the pay period, Thursday and Friday of week 3 and Friday of week 4 will be the furlough days.
[raw][image align=”right” caption=”NOTE: This plan is not final. Once the plan is formalized, DAU will contact the DACM offices, post to the DAU website and send notices to students” linkto=”https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DAU-FURLOUGH-PLANNING.jpg” linktype=”image”]”https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DAU-FURLOUGH-PLANNING.jpg” height=”391″ width=”600″[/image][/raw]
BUDGET IMPACTS TO DAU (Travel and Delivery Methods): With the overall demand for DAU classroom seats growing every year, the demand exceeds the available supply DAU can provide. Preliminary estimates show a 20 percent reduction in classroom capacity from budget cuts. DAU’s goal is to consider other teaching methods which would not dilute the overall authenticity of the classroom course material, while attempting to prevent reduction in classroom graduates. In December 2012, DAU kicked off an integrated project team (IPT) to evaluate alternate delivery methods for DAU classroom courses. The IPT consists of six teams analyzing five different methods: 1) VTC/Telepresence, 2) DCO/GoToMeeting/Lync, 3) Distance learning, 4) Shortened course duration and 5) Targeted or limited size “local only” on-sites. The IPT has conducted detailed reviews of each method and will present the results to Dr. James McMichael, acting president of DAU. The next steps include determining which methods are applicable and developing a timeline to phase in their implementations.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications cannot be processed by the Army registrar’s office until the training has been approved by the supervisor. Please apply through the Army Training Requirements (ATRRS) and Resources Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/aitas. It is imperative that student and supervisor email addresses be provided correctly in the AITAS student profile. For more information on DAU training, including systematic instructions, training priority definition or FAQs, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/defense-acquisition-university-training. Once you receive a confirmed reservation in the requested class, ensure you attend the class as scheduled. Cancellation requests for a confirmed reservation must submitted at least 30 calendar days before the class starts or by the reservation cutoff date, whichever is earlier, to avoid a ‘no-show’.
STUDENT PRIORITIES: DAU course management has a new process to allow higher priority, specifically priority 1 student’s first preference in the DAU resident courses. As result, students in Priorities 2 through 5 will be waitlisted for classes showing available seats. When a student is placed in a wait status, if a Priority 1 does not encumber a seat, the waitlisted student will roll into a reservation 65 days prior to class start date. The student could still be bumped from the class up to five business days prior to class reservation cut-off date or start date, whichever is higher, if a higher priority student applied within the 65 day period. The new process minimizes bumping and allows Priority 1 students to see which courses actually have seats available for them to obtain their required position certification. For additional information about the priority system, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/defense-acquisition-university-training/training-priority-information/.
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- If you have questions on any Acquisition Education, Training, and Experience (AETE) programs or DAU Training, please feel free to contact the AETE Branch at usarmy.belvoir.usaasc.mbx.usaasc-acq-training-opportunities@mail.mil