The U.S. Army Materiel Command is the Army’s center of gravity for global materiel management. If a Soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, eats it, or communicates with it, AMC provides it. The command, headquartered at Redstone Arsenal, AL, impacts or has a presence in all 50 states and 144 countries. Staffing these organizations is a workforce of more than 69,000 dedicated military and civilian employees, many with highly developed specialties in weapons development, manufacturing, and logistics.
To develop, buy, and maintain materiel for the Army, AMC works closely with program executive officers, the Army Acquisition Executive, industry, academia, and other related agencies. AMC also handles most of the Army’s contracting, including a full range of contracting services for deployed units as well as installation-level services, supplies, and common-use information technology hardware and software.
AMC also manages the multibillion-dollar business of selling Army equipment and services to friends and allies of the United States, and negotiates and implements agreements for co-production of U.S. weapons systems by foreign nations. AMC provides numerous acquisition and logistics services to DOD and other government agencies.
AMC operates research, development, and engineering centers; the U.S. Army Research Laboratory; depots, arsenals, and ammunition plants; and other facilities. The command also maintains the Army’s prepositioned stocks, on land and at sea. It is the DOD executive agent for the chemical weapons stockpile and for conventional ammunition.
The command’s maintenance depots and arsenals overhaul, modernize, and upgrade major weapon systems—not just making them like new, but inserting technology to make them modern and more reliable. It operates a network of Army field support brigades and battalions, logistics support elements, and brigade logistics support teams, which identify and resolve equipment and maintenance problems as well as materiel readiness issues for combatant commands.

- —U.S. Army Materiel Command Public Affairs