Army AL&T magazine celebrates 25 years of Army acquisition

By October 1, 2014September 14th, 2018General

By Steve Stark

FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Oct. 1, 2014)—The new edition of Army AL&T magazine is here and it’s all about people—the 38,000-strong Army Acquisition Workforce with special recognition for the 25th anniversary of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC). The AAC, the core of the workforce, is made up of more than 12,000 men and women, experts in engineering, physics, robotics, mathematics, and other Acquisition fields, serve as an example of the professionalism and excellence of those who dedicate themselves to protect and support Soldiers across the globe.

October 13, 1989, marks the date that then Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Carl E. Vuono approved the creation of the AAC, in part as a result of the report of the Packard Commission which recommended a variety of steps toward a more professional defense acquisition workforce. That report also led to the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act and Defense Acquisition University.

The Army AL&T workforce has seen tremendous change since 1989 and that’s why why the theme of the October – December issue of Army AL&T magazine is dedicated to reviewing the milestones, accomplishments and the professionals who made it all happen.

In Critical Thinking, learn what “semper Gumby” means to a retired Marine recruiter who’s back to recruiting, this time inviting fellow veterans and active-duty spouses to work for his new employer, Starbucks. Learn how the Army is developing the next generation of scientists and engineers in “Future [Work]Force.”

Find out how the Office of the Director, Acquisition Career Management can help you further your career in Career Corner. And don’t miss four jam-packed pages of photos (plus many more, online) of the AL&T Workforce, doing what they do so well in the variety of places and fields where they do it, in the Workforce section. Also in that section, you’ll find a brief history of U.S. Army acquisition and a fact-filled, two-page, 25-year timeline of milestones in Army acquisition.

From advanced medical research to rocket science to small arms to contracting and logistics, Army acquisition professionals research, design, develop and deliver the capabilities that Soldiers need to dominate. This one’s for you.

Happy Anniversary, Army Acquisition Corps!

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