Paul Prince
WASHINGTON (Feb. 13, 2013) — Today, the Army’s Senior Enterprise Talent Management (SETM) program officials release the second ever set of board results for GS-14/15 and equivalent employees who have been selected to participate in career advancing opportunities, which includes developmental temporary duty assignments, Enterprise Placement program, Senior Service College and Defense Senior Leader Development program.
“This year’s application process was a great success because of the hard work by the applicants themselves, their supervisors, Command boards and the SETM Selection Board who made it all happen,” said Gwendolyn R. DeFilippi, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Force Management, Manpower and Resources and Director, Civilian Senior Leader Management Office.
The SETM program, first declared by the Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh March 19, 2012, was developed collaboratively as a Civilian Workforce Transformation initiative and is administered by the Civilian Senior Leader Management Office. The program prepares participants for positions of greater responsibility through advanced senior-level educational and developmental experiences.
“The slate of candidates presented the board with some difficult choices,” said DeFilippi, “The obvious commitment to public service and enthusiasm to direct, motivate and lead change was apparent across the board. These are outstanding people and fully capable of achieving their potential in positions of greater responsibility.”
General Schedule (GS) 14/15 (or equivalent) selectees for the SETM Temporary Duty (TDY) program will receive a short-term (NTE 179 days) developmental assignment to work on a special command or organization nominated project or to fill a critical need position during calendar year 2013. SETM TDY does not incur a mobility agreement.
The selectees for the Senior Enterprise Talent Management program’s developmental TDY are: David Durham, Alfred L. Hawkins, James H. Lewis, Kevin M. Ward, James L. Watson and Ann M. Wood, all from the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (OAA); Judith M. Hudson and Bartolome D. Mirabal, from Installation Management Command (IMCOM); Brian J. Sterner, Army Materiel Command (AMC).
GS-15 selectees for the Enterprise Placement program (EPP) are eligible for placement in designated Enterprise Positions across the Army. EPP participants are required to complete a mobility agreement once the position is offered.
The selectees for the EPP are: Attila J. Bognar, Human Resource Command (HRC); James L. Watson, Headquarters, Department of the Army, G-8; Kimberly A. Combs, Mary E. Himic, Judith M. Hudson and Vincent E. Grewatz, all from IMCOM; Hugh M. Denny and Derya N. Stickley, from United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
For educational opportunities, GS-14/15 (or equivalent) applicants selected to attend Senior Service College will attend the U.S. Army War College or the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (The Eisenhower School), Acquisition Course, academic year 2013-2014. Those applicants selected who participate in the two-year Defense Senior Leader Development Program will begin the two year program early in 2013 that includes attendance at a Senior Service College and a follow-on developmental assignment.
The selectees for the Senior Service College opportunities include the following by location:
The Eisenhower School–Jin H. Kwon, AMC; James H. Lewis, Brian W. Raftery, Sherry L. Taylor and Kenneth B. Wojcik, all from U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center; Lisa K. Cramer, Headquarters, Department of the Army, G-3; and Rand A. Rodriguez, U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR).
The Army War College (Resident)–Clay A. Brashear, Jack E. Franke and Sean M. O’Brian all from U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC); Lisa D. Gilley, Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; William S. Gregory, AMC; Jerome E. Jastrab and William H. McQuail from USAREUR; Bartolome D. Mirabal, Miriam O. Ray and Robert E. Spoo, all from IMCOM; Peter G. Laky, Army Test and Evaluation Command; Betty Morrison, Office of the Chief of the Army Reserve (OCAR); Tracy N. Traylor, U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM); and Ann M. Wood, National Guard Bureau.
The Army War College (Non-Resident): Hal Chaikin, NETCOM; Hugh M. Denny, USACE; and Samuel F. Wilson, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command.
The alternate selections list for Senior Service College is as follows: David E. Durham, Headquarters, United States Forces Korea; Alfred L. Hawkins, Headquarters, Department of the Army G-3; and Joel S. Stronger, U.S. Eighth Army, Korea.
The selectees for the Defense Senior Leadership Development program are: Gary L. Adams, USAREUR; Michael P. Anderson, U.S. Army European Command; Mark H. Beattie, U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command; Attila J. Bognar, HRC; Sonia I. Bonet-Betancourt, Tammy E. Call and Vincent E. Grewatz, IMCOM; David A. Crowe, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization; David S. Henderson, TRADOC; Beverly D. McAlister, OCAR; William P. Metheny, Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Initiatives Groups; Nathaniel Prezzy, U.S. Army Inspector General Agency, Brian J. Sterner, AMC; and James L. Watson, Headquarters, Department of the Army G-8.
Applicants for these programs began their journey toward selection last April when the SETM-System electronic application process opened. Applicants were endorsed by their supervisors and the first General Officer equivalent in their chain of command. Commands held their own boards and forwarded nominations to HQDA. This rigorous four month process culminated in a board appointed by the Secretary of the Army comprised of Army Civilian Senior Executives and General Officers who reviewed and rated the applications and interviewed the applicants for selection.
Applicants could apply for one or more components, but the board considered each of the four programs separately and selection for one component did not guarantee selection for another.
For more information, visit https://www.cslmo.army.mil.