Careerist Awarded Certificate of Achievement

By April 11, 2012August 23rd, 2014Career Development, General

On March 2, Kim D. Denver, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement (DASA (P)), recognized Marilyn Shortle from U.S. Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground Belvoir Division with a Certificate of Achievement. Shortle successfully completed a six-month developmental assignment with the Office of the DASA(P) Policy and Oversight Directorate. During her assignment, she developed and implemented end user certificates, justifications and approvals, congressional notifications, and head of contracting appointment letters, which greatly enhanced many Army contracting best practices. Shortle is the second careerist selected for this program.

The Contracting and Acquisition Career Program (CP-14) accomplishes its primary objective through the Developmental Assignment Program. This program provides competitive training assignments at the Office of the DASA(P), which improve individuals’ capabilities by giving them an opportunity to perform at the HQDA level and thus prepare careerists for future key leadership positions.