By Karen Kurtz
WASHINGTON (Sept. 4, 2014) – The Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)), Lt. Gen. Michael E. Williamson, announced the establishment of the Maj. Gen. Harold J. “Harry” Greene Award for Writing to be presented to the winners of the writing competition launched earlier this summer to help shape the public dialogue on Army acquisition issues.
“Harry Greene was a Soldier, a leader, a mentor and a friend who inspired all of us to tackle complex problems on behalf of Soldiers,” Williamson said. “I can think of no better way to honor Harry’s 34 years of distinguished service than by naming this award after him.” Williamson further stated that, “the competition is designed to foster dialogue and discourse on the way forward for the acquisition community, to get people not only reflecting on lessons learned, but thinking about the future.”
Greene, the Deputy Commanding General of the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, was killed by an Afghan Soldier Aug. 5, while making a visit to Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was interred at Arlington National Cemetery on Aug. 14.
The ASA(ALT) writing competition has four main categories for prospective authors: (1) lessons learned; (2) future operations; (3) acquisition reform/Better Buying Power; and (4) innovation. It is open to anyone. Submissions must be unclassified, between 750 and 1,500 words, not previously published and received by Sept. 15, 2014.
Additional details are provided in the call for submissions and the guidelines supplement.
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